Vestibular Disorders. Группа авторов

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Vestibular Disorders - Группа авторов Advances in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology

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among isolated human temporal bones; each temporal bone was independently analyzed by two imaging engineers and 3 otologists; each investigator had at least 15 years of experience with temporal bone CT and were blinded to dose-relevant scan parameters during the review of the scan. In 2D imaging of all temporal bones, the land marks of modiolus, osseous spiral lamina, and bony wall of cochlear duct that isolate scala vestibuli from scala tympani were demonstrated at a level such that the anatomic structures could be assessed in all parts and were of acceptable image quality (Table 1). Basilar membrane was not visualized in the cochlea. Changes in the tube current from 8 to 12.5 mA resulted in a minimal change of the temporal bone image quality. The tube voltage of 80 kV provided best images using 900 frames. In 3D imaging, contrast adjustment allowed very high quality imaging (Fig. 2). The low X-ray dose is mostly a result of the small region scanned and the low kV used in CBCT (79 kV). The reason why the artefacts in the work of Zou et al. [6] were relatively minor in comparison to a previous work is that a suitable adjustment on the “γ curve” of the original images that suppresses the metal artefacts on the images was employed, and in addition improved imaging sharpness was achieved by using a pause during each exposure (e.g., start-stop-expose-start-stop-expose) together with high frames of 2D images, which was not previously reported [38].

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      Yamane et al. [49] evaluated the diagnostic properties of 3D CBCT images among 25 patients with Meniere’s disease (MD) and 13 healthy patients. They developed algorithms to determine the optimal 3D-CBCT window settings for the detection of water, muscle, calcium carbonate, and bone [48]. It was suggested that 3D CBCT imaging changes in the membranous labyrinth may be useful for the objective diagnosis of MD that dislodged saccular otoconia and may have an important role in MD, and that CBCT may be useful even in inner ear membrane imaging [48].

      Magnetic Resonance Imaging


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