A History of Neuropsychology. Группа авторов
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2Panse F, Shimoyama T: Zur Auswirkung aphasischer Störungen im Japanischen. I. Agrammatisums und Paragrammatismus. Arch f Psychiatr u Z Neur 1955;193:131–138.
3Panse F, Shimoyama T: Zur Auswirkung aphasischer Störungen im Japanischen. II. Schreib- und Lesestörungen. Arch f Psychiatr u Z Neur 1955;193:139–145.
4Panse F, Shimoyama T: On the effects of aphasic disturbance in Japanese: agrammatism paragrammatism; in Goodglass H, Blumstein S (eds): Psycholinguitics and Aphasia. Baltimore, MA, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1973, pp 171–182.
5Sasanuma S, Monoi H: The syndrome of Gogi (word-meaning) aphasia. Selective impairment of Kanji processing. Neurology 1975;25:627–632.
6Imura T: Apraktische Ersheinungen bei Aphasikern. Folia Psychiatrica et Neurologica Japonica 1940;44:393–426. (in Japanese with German title)
7Tanabe H, Ikeda M, Nakagawa Y, Yamamoto H, Ikejiri Y, Kazui H, Hashikawa K, Harada K: Gogi (word meaning) aphasia and semantic memory for words. Higher Brain Funct Res 1992;12:153–167. (in Japanese with English abstract)
8Tanabe H, Nakagawa Y, Ikeda M, Hashimoto M, Yamada N, Kazui H, Nishikawa T, Okuda J: Selective loss of semantic memory for words; in Ishikawa K, McGaugh LI, Sakata H (eds): Brain Process and Memory. Amsterdam, Elsevier Science B.V., 1996, pp 141–152.
9Yamadori A: Aphasia in ideograph readers: the case of Japanese; in Coppens P, Lebrun Y, Basso Y (eds): Aphasia in Atypical Populations. London, Lawrence Erlbaum, 1998, pp 143–174.
10Matsuda M, Mizuta H, Hara K, Kumakura I: Three cases with transcortical sensory aphasia presenting disturbance of word comprehension as a cardinal feature. Higher Brain Funct Res 1993;13:279–287. (in Japanese with English abstract)
11Head H: Aphasia and Kindred Disorders of Speech, vol. II. New York, NY, Hafner Publishing Company, 1963, pp xix–xxiv. (originally published in 1928 by Cambridge University)
12Kleist K: Gehirn Pathologie Vornehmlich auf Grund der Kriegserfahrungen. Verlag von Johann Ambrosiuas Barth, 1934, pp 748–780.
13Goldstein K: Language and Language Disturbances. New York, NY, Grune and Stratton, 1948, pp 301–303. (Original idea on mixed transcortical aphasia published in 1915.)
14Imura T, Nogami Y, Asakawa K: Gogi aphasia – a semantic form of aphasia; in Imura T (ed): Studies on Psychiatry Volume 2. Tokyo, Misuzu Shobo Publishers, 1967, pp 292–303 (in Japanese).
15Pick A: Studien zur Lehre vom Sprachverständnis. Beitrage zur Pathologie und pathologischen Anatomie des Centralnervensystems mit Bemerkungen zur normalen Anatomie desselben. S. Karger, Berlin, 1898 (translated into Japanese by Kurachi M, Enokido H; in Akimoto H, Ohashi H, Sugishita M, Torii H (eds): The Origins of Neuropsychology. Aphasia Part 2. Tokyo, Souzou Shuppan Publishers, 1984, pp 71–113. (in Japanese)
16Imura T: Aphasia; in Imura T (ed): Studies on Psychiatry, vol 2. Tokyo, Misuzu Shobo Publishers, 1967, pp 142–195. (in Japanese) (The article originally published as a lecture for abnormal psychology in 1954)
17Imura T, Nogami Y, Asakawa K: Aphasia in Japanese Language. Nihon Univ J Med 1971;13:69–90.
18Jibiki I, Yamaguchi N: The Gogi (word-meaning) syndrome with impaired Kanji processing: alexia with agraphia. Brain Lang 1993;45:61–69. (in Japanese with English abstract)
19Nakagawa Y, Okuda J, Tanabe H: Gogi Aphasia. Japanese Society of Biological Psychiatry: Neuropsychology and Psychiatry. Gakkai Shuppan Center, 1995, pp 46–58. (in Japanese)
20Kurachi M, Matubara S: Clinicopatholgy and brain imaging of Pick’s disease. Jpn J Neuropsychol 1991;7:10–18. (in Japanese with English abstract)
21Matsubara S, Enokido H, Torii H, Hiraguchi M, Ainoda N: A case of presenile dementia with Gogi (word-meaning) aphasia. Higher Brain Funct Res 1984;4:59–69. (in Japanese with English abstract)
22Miura R, Tabuchi M, Endo K, Fujii T, Yamadori A: Word meaning disorder in a case with word meaning (Gogi) aphasia. Higher Brain Funct Res 2000;20:157–164. (in Japanese with English abstract)
23Funayama M: Semantic memory and Gogi-aphasia. Jpn J Neuropsychol 2012;28:116–123 (in Japanese with English abstract).
24Snowden JS, Goulding PJ, Neary D: Semantic dementia: a form of circumscribed atrophy. Behav Neurol 1989;2:167–182.
25Hodges JR, Patterson K, Oxbury S, et al: Semantic dementia: progressive fluent aphasia with temporal lobe atrophy. Brain 1992;115:1783–1806.
26Ralph MA, Howard D: Gogi aphasia or semantic dementia? Simulating and assessing poor verbal comprehension in a case of progressive fluent aphasia. Cogn Neuropsychol 2000;17:437–465.
27Komori K, Ikeda M, Nakagawa Y, Tanabe H: The role of the right temporal lobe in semantic memory: evidence from semantic dementia. Higher Brain Funct Res 2003;23:107–118. (English abstract)
Atsushi Yamadori
Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
1-23 Iwazono-cho
Ashiya 659-0013 (Japan)
E-Mail dfckf900 @ kcc.zaq.ne.jp
Bogousslavsky J, Boller F, Iwata M (eds): A History of Neuropsychology.
Front Neurol Neurosci. Basel, Karger, 2019, vol 44, pp 39–52 (DOI: 10.1159/000494951)