Electromagnetic Metasurfaces. Christophe Caloz
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Noting that
Substituting (2.12a) into (2.12b) yields
Following a similar procedure with a time-asymmetric
Equations (2.13) and (2.14) are the sought Kramers–Kronig relations. They indicate that variations in the real part of the medium parameters are necessarily associated with specific variations in their imaginary parts. For a quantity such as the refractive index, for instance, this implies that transforming an electromagnetic wave (e.g. negatively refracting it) from the real part of the index (e.g. making it negative) necessarily results in a variation of the imaginary part of the index, which corresponds to inserting loss, and vice versa.
2.2.2 Lorentz Oscillator Model
The Lorentz oscillator is a simple classical atomic