Marcus Simaika. Samir Simaika

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Marcus Simaika - Samir Simaika

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      Father of Coptic Archaeology

      Samir Simaika

      Nevine Henein

      Introduced by

      Donald M. Reid

      The American University in Cairo Press

      Cairo New York

      Copyright © 2017 by

      The American University in Cairo Press

      113 Sharia Kasr el Aini, Cairo, Egypt

      420 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10018

      All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

      ISBN 978 977 416 823 9

      eISBN 978 1 61797 801 2

       This book is dedicated to the memory of my father,Youssef Marcus Simaika, to whom I owe so much.

       —Samir Simaika


       The Simaika Family Tree




       List of Illustrations

       Introduction by Donald M. Reid

       Part 1: The Early Years

       1. Cairo

       2. A Love of Learning

       3. A Prominent Family

       Part 2: Service to Government and Nation

       4. The State Railways

       5. Education and Legislation

       The Superior Council of Education

       The Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly

       6. Simaika and the British Administrators

       Lord Cromer (1883–1907)

       Sir Eldon Gorst (1907–11)

       Field Marshal Lord Kitchener (1911–14)

       Sir Henry McMahon (1914–17)

       Sir Reginald Wingate (1917–19)

       Lord Allenby (1919–25)

       Lord Lloyd (1925–29)

       Part 3: Service to the Coptic Church and Community

       7. An Ancient Church

       Monks and Missionaries

       The Copts after the Arab Conquests

       The Rise of Coptic Notables

       8. The Patriarchs

       Cyril IV (1854–61)

       Cyril V (1874–1927)

       Yohannes XIX (1928–42)

       9. The Awakening of the Coptic Church

       10. Al-Majlis al-Milli

       11. The Coptic and Ethiopian Dispute over Deir al-Sultan in Jerusalem

       12. Travels in Sudan

       Part 4: The Coptic Museum and Heritage Preservation

       13. A Crumbling Heritage

       14. The Committee for the Preservation of Arab Art

       15. A New Museum


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