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I know not, whether it be worth while to take notice here of a Passage in Page 12th of the Introduction,6 where I say, “That the Canaanites, among whom the Patriarchs sojourn’d ’till their Descent into Aegypt, were all of them Idolatrous Nations;” I do not mean, that all the Canaanites were then Idolaters, but only all the Canaanites, among whom the Patriarchs sojourn’d; because it is certain, that Melchizedek, and probably his People, were no Idolaters then; but then we have no Account that the Patriarchs ever sojourn’d in Salem.
Those mark’d with * are for large Paper.
*His Grace the A. Bp. of Ardmagh.
*Sir Arthur Atcheson.
The Rev. Mr. Abbot.
Mr. John Abernethy.
Mr. Nathaniel Adams.
The Rev. Mr. John Addenbrooke.
The Rev. Mr. Alexander Alcock, Dean of Limerick.
Edmund Allen, Esq;
*Francis Allen, Esq;
*James Anderson, Esq;
John Arbuthnot, M. D.
Mr. Charles Arbuthnot.
Henry Arkwright, Esq; Collector of Dublin.
*Margeston Armar, Esq;
The Rev. Mr. Edward Arrowsmith.
*Benjamin Arthur, Esq;
Capt. Beaumont Astle.
*William Aston, Esq;
*The Rev. Mr. Walter Atkin, Vicar-general of Cloyne.
The Rev. Mr. John Thomas Atkin.
Mr. Henry Aubin.
Mr. Richard Auchmooty.
Capt. Sheffield Austen.
Nicholas Aylward, Esq;
The Rt. Hon. the E. of Barkshire.
The Hon. William Brabazon, Esq;
The Hon. Mr. Justice Bernard.
Montague Bacon, Esq;
John Bailie, Esq;
William Baker, Esq;
*Seignior Beneditti Baldassari.
*The Rev. Dr. Richard Baldwin, Provost of Dublin-College.
William Balfour, Esq;
Mr. Samuel Ballard.
Mr. Thomas Ballard.
Benjamin Barrington, Esq;
Mr. William Barwell.
Mr. Richard Baylis.
Capt. Philip Beard.
Lieut. Peter Beaver.
William Becket, Esq;
Mr. William Becket.
*Henry Bellingham, Esq;
The Rev. Mr. Edward Benson.
Mr. Bentham, for 2 Books.
*The Rev. Dr. Geo. Berkely, Dean of Derry.
William Berry, Esq;
Mr. David Bindon.
The Rev. Dr. Birch, Chan. of Worcester.
The Rev. Mr. George Black.
Robert Blackwood, Esq;
James Blackwood, Esq;
Francis Blake, of the Mid. Tem. Esq;
*Col. William Blakeny.
Mr. John Blackley.
The Rev. Mr. Francis Bland.
Arthur Blenerhasset, Esq;
The Rev. Mr. Richard Bolton.
Mr. Sam. Bonamy Jun. of Guernsey.
Edward Bond, Esq;
Mr. Arden Bonell.
Mr. John Bonvill.
The Rev. Mr. Peter Bonworth.
*The Rev. Mr. Booth.
Mr. John Boushman.
Mr. Bowles.
Mr. David Boyd.
Mr. Will. Boyle, of Cork, Merchant.
*The Rev. Mr. Alexander Bradford.
Mr. William Bradford.
Mr. Graham Bradford.
Mr. Rowland Bradstock.
Mr. Robert Bransby.
*The Rev. Mr.