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be no parts of the Notion of the true God. If then this wise and good Governor of the World, in whom they before believ’d without a Revelation, thought fit to give proper Credentials to any Missionaries, as coming from him, by whom they were inform’d, that this Governor of the World was the supreme God (contrary to what PLATO taught,) and that he was the only God (contrary to what was taught by the PLATONISTS and STOICKS,) and that he was the Creator of the World, not the Soul of it (contrary to what was taught by the PLATONISTS, PYTHAGOREANS, and STOICKS;) and if these Missionaries should likewise inform them, that Religion was not a merely Civil and Political Institution (as ARISTOTLE made it;) would not they, in Reason and Duty, be bound to believe all this, and to practice accordingly? Yes undoubtedly. And thus both parts of my Assertion are very consistent.

      I know not, whether it be worth while to take notice here of a Passage in Page 12th of the Introduction,6 where I say, “That the Canaanites, among whom the Patriarchs sojourn’d ’till their Descent into Aegypt, were all of them Idolatrous Nations;” I do not mean, that all the Canaanites were then Idolaters, but only all the Canaanites, among whom the Patriarchs sojourn’d; because it is certain, that Melchizedek, and probably his People, were no Idolaters then; but then we have no Account that the Patriarchs ever sojourn’d in Salem.


      Those mark’d with * are for large Paper.


      *His Grace the A. Bp. of Ardmagh.

      *Sir Arthur Atcheson.

      The Rev. Mr. Abbot.

      Mr. John Abernethy.

      Mr. Nathaniel Adams.

      The Rev. Mr. John Addenbrooke.

      The Rev. Mr. Alexander Alcock, Dean of Limerick.

      Edmund Allen, Esq;

      *Francis Allen, Esq;

      *James Anderson, Esq;

      John Arbuthnot, M. D.

      Mr. Charles Arbuthnot.

      Henry Arkwright, Esq; Collector of Dublin.

      *Margeston Armar, Esq;

      The Rev. Mr. Edward Arrowsmith.

      *Benjamin Arthur, Esq;

      Capt. Beaumont Astle.

      *William Aston, Esq;

      *The Rev. Mr. Walter Atkin, Vicar-general of Cloyne.

      The Rev. Mr. John Thomas Atkin.

      Mr. Henry Aubin.

      Mr. Richard Auchmooty.

      Capt. Sheffield Austen.

      Nicholas Aylward, Esq;


      The Rt. Hon. the E. of Barkshire.

      The Hon. William Brabazon, Esq;

      The Hon. Mr. Justice Bernard.

      Montague Bacon, Esq;

      John Bailie, Esq;

      William Baker, Esq;

      *Seignior Beneditti Baldassari.

      *The Rev. Dr. Richard Baldwin, Provost of Dublin-College.

      William Balfour, Esq;

      Mr. Samuel Ballard.

      Mr. Thomas Ballard.

      Benjamin Barrington, Esq;

      Mr. William Barwell.

      Mr. Richard Baylis.

      Capt. Philip Beard.

      Lieut. Peter Beaver.

      William Becket, Esq;

      Mr. William Becket.

      *Henry Bellingham, Esq;

      The Rev. Mr. Edward Benson.

      Mr. Bentham, for 2 Books.

      *The Rev. Dr. Geo. Berkely, Dean of Derry.

      William Berry, Esq;

      Mr. David Bindon.

      The Rev. Dr. Birch, Chan. of Worcester.

      The Rev. Mr. George Black.

      Robert Blackwood, Esq;

      James Blackwood, Esq;

      Francis Blake, of the Mid. Tem. Esq;

      *Col. William Blakeny.

      Mr. John Blackley.

      The Rev. Mr. Francis Bland.

      Arthur Blenerhasset, Esq;

      The Rev. Mr. Richard Bolton.

      Mr. Sam. Bonamy Jun. of Guernsey.

      Edward Bond, Esq;

      Mr. Arden Bonell.

      Mr. John Bonvill.

      The Rev. Mr. Peter Bonworth.

      *The Rev. Mr. Booth.

      Mr. John Boushman.

      Mr. Bowles.

      Mr. David Boyd.

      Mr. Will. Boyle, of Cork, Merchant.

      *The Rev. Mr. Alexander Bradford.

      Mr. William Bradford.

      Mr. Graham Bradford.

      Mr. Rowland Bradstock.

      Mr. Robert Bransby.

      *The Rev. Mr.

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