Sketches of the History of Man. Lord Kames (Henry Home)

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Sketches of the History of Man - Lord Kames (Henry Home) Natural Law and Enlightenment Classics

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of the subjects handled in the following sheets, admit but of probable reasoning; and, with respect to such reasonings, it is often difficult to say, what degree of conviction they ought to produce. It is easy to form plausible arguments; but to form such as can stand the test of time, is not always easy. I could amuse the reader with numerous examples of conjectural arguments, which, fair at a distant view, vanish like a cloud on a near approach. Several examples, not to go farther, are mentioned in the preliminary <vii> discourse. The hazard of being misled by such arguments, gave the author much anxiety; and, after his utmost attention, he can but faintly hope, that he has not often wandered far from truth.2<viii>


      As one great object of the Editor is to make this a popular Work, he has, chiefly with a view to the female sex, subjoined an English translation of the quotations from other languages.<ix>


      VOL. I.

      Preliminary Discourse concerning the Origin of Men and of Languages,

      BOOK I.

      Progress of Men independent of Society.


      1. Progress respecting food and population,

      2. Progress of property,

      3. Origin and progress of commerce,

      4. Origin and progress of arts,


      5. Manners,

      VOL. II.


      6. Progress of the female sex,


      Concerning propagation of animals, and care of progeny,

      7. Progress and effects of luxury,

      BOOK II.

      Progress of Men in Society.


      1. Appetite for society—Origin of national societies, <x>

      2. General view of government,

      3. Different forms of government compared,

      4. Progress of states from small to great, and from great to small,

      5. Great and small states compared,

      6. War and peace compared,

      7. Rise and fall of patriotism,

      8. Finances,



      1. General considerations on taxes,

      2. Power of imposing taxes,

      3. Different sorts of taxes, with their advantages and disadvantages,

      4. Manner of levying taxes,

      5. Rules to be observed in taxing,

      6. Taxes examined with respect to their effects,

      7. Taxes for advancing industry and commerce,

      VOL. III.


      9. Military branch of government,

      10. Public police with respect to the poor,

      11. A great city considered in physical, moral, and political views,

      12. Origin and progress of American nations,

      BOOK III.

      Progress of Sciences.


      1. Principles and progress of reason, <xi>


      1. Principles of reason,

      2. Progress of reason,


      A brief account of Aristotle’s logic, With remarks,


      1. Of the first three treatises,

      2. Remarks,

      3. Account of the First Analytics,

      4. Remarks,

      5. Account of the remaining books of the Organon,

      6. Reflections on the utility of logic, and the means of its improvement,

      VOL. IV.


      2. Principles and progress of morality,


      1. Principles of morality,


      1. Human actions analysed,

      2. Division of human actions into right, wrong, and indifferent,

      3. Laws of nature respecting our moral conduct in society,

      4. Principles of duty and of benevolence,

      5. Laws respecting rewards and punishments, <xii>


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