The Truth of the Christian Religion with Jean Le Clerc's Notes and Additions. Hugo Grotius

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The Truth of the Christian Religion with Jean Le Clerc's Notes and Additions - Hugo Grotius Natural Law and Enlightenment Classics

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Which Miracles cannot be ascribed to any natural or diabolical Power, but must be from God, <91> VI. The Resurrection of Christ proved from credible Testimony, <94> VII. The Objection drawn from the seeming Impossibility of a Resurrection, answered, <98> [print edition page 21] The Truth of Jesus’s Doctrine proved from his Resurrection, <100> VIII. That the Christian Religion exceeds all others, <100> IX. The Excellency of the Reward proposed, <101> X. A Solution of the Objection, taken from hence, that the Bodies after their Dissolution cannot be restored, <105> XI. The exceeding Purity of its Precepts; with respect to the Worship of God, <109> XII. Concerning those Duties of Humanity, which we owe to our Neighbour, though he has injured us, <113> XIII. About the Conjunction of Male and Female, <117> XIV. About the Use of temporal Goods, <120> XV. Concerning Oaths, <123> XVI. Concerning other Actions, <123> XVII. An Answer to the Objection, drawn from the many Controversies among Christians, <124> XVIII. The Excellency of the Christian Religion, further proved from the Excellency of its Teacher, <125> From the wonderful Propagation of this Religion, <130> Considering the Weakness and Simplicity of those taught it in the first Age, <134> XIX. And the great Impediments that hindered Men from embracing it, or deterred them from professing it, <135> An Answer to those who require more and stronger Arguments, <138> BOOK III. I. Of the Authority of the Books of the New Testament, <142> II. The Books that have any Names affixed to them, were writ by those Persons whose Names they bear, <143> [print edition page 22] III. The Doubt of those Books that were formerly doubtful, taken away, <144> IV.

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