The Divine Feudal Law: Or, Covenants with Mankind, Represented. Samuel Pufendorf

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The Divine Feudal Law: Or, Covenants with Mankind, Represented - Samuel Pufendorf Natural Law and Enlightenment Classics

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our common Language; by which Means I judge it will become more known, and so be more useful among us than it was likely to be while it remain’d in the Original Latin. Now this is done, I pray God it may be serviceable to all those good Purposes mention’d, to whom be Glory for ever.




      Of the following


       Sect. 1. The Wickedness of Mankind a Cause of many Calamities among them.

       Sect. 2. Religion abused to encrease the Miseries of Mankind.

       Sect. 3. How far it may be endeavoured to reconcile the Dissentions in Religion.

       Sect. 4. The Toleration of Dissenting Parties is either Political;

       Sect. 5. And that either Universal or Limited.

       Sect. 6. Or Ecclesiastical.

       Sect. 7. Of the Reconciliation of differing Opinions.

       Sect. 8. The Dissention is either about Principles or Emoluments.

       Sect. 9. The Controversies about meer Principles may be entirely decided.

       Sect. 10. The Controversies which concern Emoluments seem to be irreconcileable.

       Sect. 11. Of solid and superficial Religion.

       Sect. 12. It is vain to attempt a Reconcilement between the Protestants and Papists.

       Sect. 13. An Examen of a certain Form of a Reconciliation between the Protestants and Papists.

       Sect. 14. Some differ in the whole System.

       Sect. 15. Some differ only upon a few Articles.

       Sect. 16. A Specimen of a System of Divinity, in which it seems that all Protestants may agree.

       Sect. 17. Things presupposed to it.

       Sect. 18. It is agreeable to Reason that there should be a revealed Religion.

       Sect. 19. There are no good Reasons to call in Question the Divine Revelations.

       Sect. 20. In true Religion there is included a Covenant.

       Sect. 21. The peculiar Nature of Covenants between God and Man.

       Sect. 22. The Original Covenant of God with Man.

       Sect. 23. The Will of the first Man.

       Sect. 24. The Heads of the first Covenant of God with Man.

       Sect. 25. Of the Forbidden Tree.

       Sect. 26. Of the State of Man after the Fall, and of Original Sin.

       Sect. 27. The Covenant of God with Men, which was made by the Interposition of a Mediator.

       Sect. 28. The Promulgation of this Covenant.

       Sect. 29. The Religion resulting from this Covenant.

       Sect. 30. The Particular Covenant of God with Abraham.

       Sect. 31. The Covenant of God with the People of Israel made by the Mediation of Moses.

       Sect. 32. The Conditions of that Covenant.

       Sect. 33. The Sacrament of that Covenant.

       Sect. 34. The Nature of the Jewish Religion.

       Sect. 35. The Jewish Religion was interwoven with their Commonwealth.

       Sect. 36. The Complement of the Adamitical Covenant,

       Sect. 37. Which consists in an Agreement with God the Father, and the Son,

       Sect. 38. And of the Saviour with Men.

       Sect. 39. That Covenant presupposes the Mystery of the Sacred Trinity.

       Sect. 40. Of the Mediator of the New Covenant.

       Sect. 41. He is God.

       Sect. 42. And Man.

       Sect. 43. In One Person.

       Sect. 44. The Nature of the Personal Union.

       Sect. 45. The Consequence of that.

       Sect. 46. What is become belonging to the Humane Nature by Vertue of this Union.

       Sect. 47. This Covenant is less properly called a Testament.

       Sect. 48. The Conditions of the Covenant on the Part of the Saviour.

       Sect. 49. The Promulgation of this Covenant.

       Sect. 50. The Sum of those Things which are to be performed by Men.

       Sect. 51. By Faith we are engaged in this Covenant.

       Sect. 52. Baptism is the Sacrament of Initiation.

       Sect. 53. Regeneration attends

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