The Principles of Natural and Politic Law. Jean-Jacques Burlamaqui

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The Principles of Natural and Politic Law - Jean-Jacques Burlamaqui Natural Law and Enlightenment Classics

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      Sect. 1. Design of this work: what is meant by natural law.

      Sect. 2. We must reduce 2 the principles of this science from the nature and state of man.

      Sect. 3. Definition of man; what his nature is.

      Sect. 4. Different actions of man: which are the object of right?

      Sect. 5. Principal faculties of the soul.

      Sect. 6. The understanding; truth.

      Sect. 7. Principle. The understanding is naturally right.

      Sect. 8. In what manner perception, attention, and examen, are formed.

      Sect. 9. Evidence; probability.

      Sect. 10. Of the senses, the imagination, and memory.

      Sect. 11. The perfection of the understanding consists in the knowledge of truth. Two obstacles to this perfection, ignorance and error.

      Sect. 12. Different sorts of error. 1. Error of the law, and of the fact. 2. Voluntary and involuntary. 3. Essential and accidental.

      Sect. 1. The will. What happiness and good consists in.

      Sect. 2. Instincts, inclinations, passions.

      Sect. 3. Liberty: in what it consists.

      Sect. 4. Use of liberty in our judgment with respect to truth.

      Sect. 5. Liberty has its exercise, even in regard to things that are evident.



      Sect. 6. Use of liberty with regard to good and evil.

      Sect. 7. With regard to indifferent things.

      Sect. 8. Why the exercise of liberty is restrained to non-evident truths, and particular goods.

      Sect. 9. [Section number is missing in Nugent text.]

      Sect. 10. The proof of liberty drawn from our inward sense, is superior to any other.

      Sect. 11. How comes it that liberty has been contested.

      Sect. 12. Actions are voluntary, and involuntary; free, necessary, and constrained.

      Sect. 13. Our faculties help one another reciprocally.

      Sect. 14. Of reason and virtue.

      Sect. 15. Causes of the diversity we observe in the conduct of men.

      Sect. 16. Reason has it always in her power to remain mistress.

      Sect. 1. Man is capable of direction in regard to his conduct.

      Sect. 2. He is accountable for his actions: they can be imputed to him.

      Sect. 3. Principle of imputability. We must not confound it with imputation.

      Sect. 1. Definition. Division.

      Sect. 2. Primitive and original states. 1. State of man with regard to God.

      Sect. 3. 2.State of society.

      Sect. 4. 3.State of solitude. 4. Peace: war.

      Sect. 5. State of man with regard to the goods of the earth.

      Sect. 6. Adventitious states. 1. Family. 2. Marriage.

      Sect. 7. 3.Weakness of man at his birth. 4. Natural dependance of children on their parents.

      Sect. 8. The state of property.

      Sect. 9. Civil state and government.

      Sect. 10. The civil state and property of goods give rise to several adventitious states.

      Sect. 11. True idea of the natural state of man.

      Sect. 12. Difference between original and adventitious states.

      Sect. 1. Definition of a rule.

      Sect. 2. It is not convenient, that man should live without a rule.

      Sect. 3. A rule supposes an end, an aim.

      Sect. 4. The ultimate end of man is happiness.

      Sect. 5. It is the system of providence.

      Sect. 6. The desire of happiness is essential to man, and inseparable from reason.

      Sect. 7. Self-love is a principle that has nothing vicious in itself.

      Sect. 8. Man cannot attain to happiness but by the help of reason.

      Sect. 9. Reason is therefore the primitive rule of man.

      Sect. 10. What is right in general?

      Sect. 1. Reason gives us several rules of conduct.

      Sect. 2. First rule. To make a right distinction between good and evil.

      Sect. 3. Second rule. True happiness cannot consist in things inconsistent with the nature and state of man.

      Sect. 4. Third rule. To compare the present and the future together.

      Fourth rule.

      Fifth rule.

      Sect. 5. Sixth rule. To give the goods that excel most the preference.


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