Statistical Methods and Modeling of Seismogenesis. Eleftheria Papadimitriou

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Statistical Methods and Modeling of Seismogenesis - Eleftheria Papadimitriou

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increase the value of the stress budget of any other cell by ΔCFF computed as described above for the nucleation rupture;

       10) increase Ncell_ev by 1;

       11) go to (1);

       12) store the event parameters;

       13) the time, the event sequential number and other parameters of the event are written on the output file.

      A cell can be ruptured more than once in the same event. The program proceeds by one time step, adding the tectonic slip rate for one time step to every cell, and the search for a new nucleation point starts again. The process stops when the time assigned for the output catalog is exceeded.

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