Digital Cities Roadmap. Группа авторов
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1. Guikema, S. and Gardoni, P., Reliability estimation for networks of reinforced concrete bridges. ASCE J. Infrastruct. Syst., 15, 61–69, 2009.
2. Kajitani, Y., Okada, N., Tatano, H., Measuring quality of human community life by spatial temporal age group distributions—Case study of recovery process in a disaster-affected region. Nat. Hazards Rev., 6, 1, 41–47, 2005.
3. Kang, W.H., Song, J., Gardoni, P., Matrix-based system reliability method and applications to bridge networks. Reliab. Eng. Syst. Safe., 93, 1584–93, 2008.
4. Koliou, M., Van De Lindt, J.W., McAllister, T.P., Ellingwood, B.R., Dillard, M., Cutler, H., State of the research in community resilience: Progress and challenges. Sustain. Resilient Infrastruct., 5, 3, 131–151, 2018.
5. Lee, Y.-J., Song, J., Gardoni, P., Lim, H.-W., Post-hazard flow capacity of bridge transportation networks considering structural deterioration of bridges. Struct. Infrastruct. Eng., 7, 7, 509–21, 2011.
6. MacLean, D., Gardoni, P., Murphy, C., Rowell, A. (Eds.), Societal Risk Management of Natural Hazards, Springer, New York, 2016.
7. Mardfekri, M. and Gardoni, P., Probabilistic demand models and fragility estimates for offshore wind turbine support structures. Eng. Struct., 52, 2013, 478–87, 2013.
8. Mardfekri, M. and Gardoni, P., Multi-hazard reliability assessment of offshore wind turbines. Wind Energy, 18, 8, 1433–50, 2015.
9. Mardfekri, M., Gardoni, P., Bisadi, V., Service reliability of offshore wind turbines. Int. J. Sustainable Energy, 34, 7, 468–84, 2015.
10. Martins, N., Sustainability economics, ontology and the capability approach. Ecol. Econ., 72, 1–4, 2011.
11. May, P., Organizational and Societal Consequences for Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering, PEER 2001/04, Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, College of Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, 2011.
12. Chan, M., Estve, D., Escriba, C., Campo, E., A review of smart homes present state and future challenges. Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., 91, 1, 55–81, [Online]., Jul. 2008.
13. Alam, M.R., Reaz, M.B.I., Ali, M.A.M., A Review of Smart Homes—Past, Present, and Future. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Part C (Appl. Rev.), 42, 6, 1190–1203, Nov. 2012.
14. Lobaccaro, G., Carlucci, S., Lfstrm, E., Lobaccaro, G., Carlucci, S., Lfstrm, E., A Review of Systems and Technologies for Smart Homes and Smart Grids. Energies, 9, 5, 348, [Online], May 2016.
15. Pan, J., Jain, R., Paul, S., A Survey of Energy Efficiency in Buildings and Microgrids using Networking Technologies. IEEE Commun. Surv. Tut., 16, 3, 1709–1731, 2014.
16. Ni, Q., Garca Hernando, A.B., de la Cruz, I.P., The Elderlys Independent Living in Smart Homes: A Characterization of Activities and Sensing Infrastructure Survey to Facilitate Services Development. Sensors, 15, 5, 11 312–11 362, [Online] Available:, May 2015.
17. Rashidi, P. and Mihailidis, A., A Survey on Ambient-Assisted Living Tools for Older Adults. IEEE J. Biomed. Health Inform., 17, 3, 579–590, May 2013.
18. Peetoom, K.K.B., Lexis, M.A.S., Joore, M., Dirksen, C.D., De Witte, L.P., Literature review on monitoring technologies and their outcomes in independently living elderly people, Disability and Rehabilitation. Assist. Technol., 10, 4, 271–294, 2015.
19. Salih, A. and Abraham, A., A review of ambient intelligence assisted healthcare monitoring. Int. J. Comput. Inf. Syst. Ind. Manage. (IJCISIM), 5, 2013.
20. Perera, C., Zaslavsky, A., Christen, P., Georgakopoulos, D., Context Aware Computing for The Internet of Things: A Survey. IEEE Commun. Surv. Tut., 16, 1, 414–454, 2014.
21. Tsai, C.W., Lai, C.F., Chiang, M.C., Yang, L.T., Data Mining for Internet of Things: A Survey. IEEE Commun. Surv. Tut., 16, 1, 77–97, 2014.
22. Mahdavinejad, M.S., Rezvan, M., Barekatain, M., Adibi, P., Barnaghi, P., Sheth, A.P., Machine learning for internet of things data analysis: A survey. Digit. Commun. Netw., 4, 3, 161–175, [Online] Available:, Aug. 2018.
23. McAllister, T., Developing guidelines and standards for disaster resilience of the built environment: