Essential Concepts in Sociology. Anthony Giddens

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Essential Concepts in Sociology - Anthony Giddens

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21(2): 316–40.

       Working Definition

      A method of gaining valid and reliable knowledge of the world based on testing theories against collected evidence.

       Origins of the Concept

      In the twentieth century, various schools of positivism argued the relative merits of deduction or induction and verification or falsification as principles to which all sciences, not just the natural science disciplines, should adhere. However, gradually sociologists came to see their discipline as scientific but in a different way to the natural sciences, on account of the intentional actions of humans and the reflexivity that exists between society and sociological knowledge. Today sociology is divided between those who continue to see themselves as scientists of society and those who are happier with the idea that they engage in social studies, rendering questions of scientific method and status obsolete.

       Meaning and Interpretation

      Arguably, the key issue for sociology since Auguste Comte’s positivism has been whether or not sociology is a science. How does the discipline relate to other acknowledged sciences such as astronomy, physics, chemistry and biology? And what is it that makes them so unproblematically ‘scientific’ anyway? Many people believe that scientific research involves the use of systematic methods, the gathering of empirical evidence, the analysis of data and the development of theoretical explanations for that data. Over time, the sciences can then build a significant body of reliable knowledge. If we accept this characterization, then sociology is a science, as it does involve systematic methods of empirical investigation, the analysis of data and the assessment of theories in the light of evidence and logical argument. However, a growing number of sociologists are uneasy about discussing their discipline as scientific and may be more comfortable seeing it as closer to the humanities than to the natural sciences.

      Yet sociologists face some problems that natural scientists do not. Self-aware individuals may subtly alter their usual behaviour when they know it is being studied, thereby invalidating the researcher’s findings. For instance, in daily life people constantly attempt to manage the presentation of their self to others, and this process of ‘impression management’ may occur during sociological research. Sociologists must be aware of the distinct possibility that, during interviews and questionnaires, respondents may offer the answers they believe the researchers are looking for. These various issues illustrate a key feature of studying human beings – the problem of reflexivity.

      Sociological knowledge filters back into society and becomes part of the very same social context being studied, potentially altering that social context. Social reflexivity has no counterpart in the natural sciences, which means that, if it is a science, sociology cannot simply adopt the same methods as natural science but must develop its own ‘object-adequate’ methods.

       Critical Points

      A fundamental problem with the notion that sociology should be scientific is that it presumes agreement on what constitutes science. Although this used to mean simply looking at what the natural sciences do, this is no longer the case. Several important studies by historians of science have eroded the certainty which used to exist in relation to science. Thomas Kuhn (1970) studied breakthroughs in science – scientific revolutions – which we might expect would occur as a result of knowledge accumulation over long periods. In fact, Kuhn saw natural science operating through ‘paradigms’ – ways of doing science based on particular theories. ‘Normal’ science was essentially a continual testing and retesting of the paradigm, which did not lead to major advances. Breakthrough moments happened when someone went beyond the paradigm to resolve an anomalous finding which then led to a new paradigm.

       Continuing Relevance

      The immediate response of governments around the world to the Covid-19 pandemic of 2019–21 was to turn for advice and guidance to epidemiologists and medical science. This was clear evidence that science is still viewed as a superior form of knowledge compared to theological knowledge or common-sense ideas. The basis of this superiority seems to be rooted in the practical successes of science rather than in a widespread understanding of scientific methods. In sociology, there has long been disagreement on whether it is desirable for the discipline to be and be perceived as ‘scientific’, which seems to have settled into an established divide over what are appropriate research methods.

      Schwemmer and Wieczorek (2020) argue that this divide can be seen in studies that adopt predominantly qualitative or quantitative

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