Machine Learning for Healthcare Applications. Группа авторов
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Figure 3.6 Accuracy for all users (compiled).
Figure 3.7 Individual result of each algorithm.
Figure 3.8 Result of 25-users with different algorithms.
In Figure 3.8 we shall be showing the individual 25 participant’s resultant accuracy with respect to Decision Tree, Bagging Decision Tree, Gaussian naïve Bayes Classifier, Kernel SVM and Random Forest Classifier in the respective order.
3.5.2 Comparative Results Analysis
In Figure 3.9, we shall be doing a comparative analysis of each user’s data’s performance regarding each individual algorithm in a chart form.
In this study, we applied our knowledge of EEG data and Machine Learning to cohabit in a system for correctly analyze and predict the consumer’s choice when surveying different brands of same type of products. We had 25 males perform this initial study and it resulted in a viable feasibility for developing solutions using EEG data to enhance productivity, cut down on losses and shifting the paradigm of marketing to new heights. We have noticed that on a user-level Kernel SVM has performed better than others in majority of the cases for identifying like/dislike. It has also recorded the highest accuracy in Master file run of 56.2% among others. We have observed that Kernel SVM: Sigmoid is significant to our study and we shall try different kernels in this form to test better results.
In the following Figures 3.10 and 3.11 we shall be showing you the Approximate Brain’s EEG activity map we have derived for like/dislike states of mind in our Neuromarketing study.
Figure 3.9 Result of 25-users compared with different algorithms.
3.6 Conclusion
In our study we did not achieve high yield of results for now in predicting like/dislike of users as this is a feasibility study based on trials. Thus, we have inferred that we need to use higher complexity models of Deep Learning for achieving better accuracy in near future. We also need to work on a method to tackle fake-responses. We have future plans to provide the participants with a wide variety of choice and more neutral choices to objectively analyze the decision-making process while tracking their eye-movement as an additional parameter while delving deeper into complex classifiers for achieving higher predictions accuracy. We also think that additional methods can be added on to this process like eye-tracking coupled with higher complexity models of classifiers to take our prediction accuracy to a higher level.
Figure 3.10 Approximate brain EEG map for dislike state.
Figure 3.11 Approximate brain EEG map for like state.
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