Homes and Haunts of the Most Eminent British Poets. William Howitt

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Homes and Haunts of the Most Eminent British Poets - William Howitt

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is worthy of being listened to in every age:

      "Ye hapless race!

       Dire laboring here to smother Reason's ray,

       That lights our Maker's image in our face,

       And gives us wide o'er earth unquestioned sway:

       What is the adored Supreme Perfection, say?

       What but eternal, never-resting soul,

       Almighty power, and all-directing day;

       By whom each atom stirs, the planets roll:

       Who fills, surrounds, informs, and agitates the whole.

      "Come, to the beaming God your hearts unfold!

       Draw from its fountain life! 'Tis thence alone

       We can excel. Up from unfeeling mold

       To seraphs burning round the Almighty's throne,

       Life rising still on life, in brighter tone,

       Perfection forms, and with perfection bliss.

       In universal nature this clear shown

       Not needeth proof; to prove it were, I wis,

       To prove the beauteous world excels the brute abyss.

      "It was not by vile loitering in ease

       That Greece obtained the brighter palm of art;

       That soft, yet ardent Athens learned to please,

       To keen the wit, and to sublime the heart,

       In all supreme, complete in every part!

       It was not thence majestic Rome arose,

       And o'er the nations shook her conquering dart:

       For sluggard's brow the laurel never grows:

       Renown is not the child of indolent repose.

      "Had unambitious mortals minded naught

       But in loose joy their time to wear away;

       Had they alone the lap of dalliance sought,

       Pleased on her pillow their dull heads to lay;

       Rude Nature's state had been our state to-day;

       No cities here their towery fronts had raised,

       No arts had made us opulent and gay;

       With brother brutes the human race had grazed;

       None e'er had soared to fame, none honored been, none praised.

      "Great Homer's song had never fired the breast

       To thirst of glory and heroic deeds;

       Sweet Maro's Muse, sunk in inglorious rest,

       Had silent slept amid the Mincian reeds;

       The wits of modern times had told their beads,

       And monkish legends been their only strains;

       Our Milton's Eden had lain wrapped in weeds;

       Our Shakspeare strolled and laughed with Warwick swains;

       Ne had my master, Spenser, charmed his Mulla's plains.

      "Dumb, too, had been the sage historic Muse,

       And perished all the sons of ancient fame;

       Those starry lights of virtue that diffuse

       Through the dark depths of time their vivid flame,

       Had all been lost with such as have no name.

       Who then had scorned his care for others' good?

       Who then had toiled rapacious men to tame?

       Who in the public breach devoted stood,

       And for his country's cause been prodigal of blood?

      * … * … * … *

      "Heavens! can you then thus waste in shameful wise

       Your few important days of trial here?

       Heirs of eternity! yborn to rise

       Through endless states of being, still more near

       To bliss approaching and perfection clear;

       Can you renounce a fortune so sublime—

       Such glorious hopes, your backward steps to steer,

       And roll with vilest brutes through mud and slime?

       No! no! your heaven-touched hearts disdain the sordid crime!"

      It is a pleasure to find that the spot where these noble sentiments were penned is still preserved sacred to the memory of the poet of truth and virtue. As far as the restless and rapid change of property would permit so near London, the residence of Thomson has been kept from destruction: changed it is, it is true, but that change has been made with a veneration for the Muse in the heart of the new inhabitant. The house of Thomson, in what is called Kew-foot Lane, at Richmond, as shown in the wood-cut at the head of this article, was a simple cottage; behind this lay his garden, and in front he looked down to the Thames, and on the fine landscape beyond. The cottage now appears to be gone, and in the place stands the goodly villa of the Earl of Shaftesbury; the cottage, however, is not really gone: it is only swallowed up in the larger house of the present time. After Thomson's death, his cottage was purchased by George Ross, Esq., who, out of veneration for his memory, forbore to pull it down, but enlarged and improved it at the expense of £9000. The walls of the cottage were left, though its roof was taken off, and the walls continued upward to their present height. Thus, what was Thomson's cottage forms now the entrance hall to Lord Shaftesbury's house. The part of the hall on the left hand was the room where Thomson used to sit, and here is preserved a plain mahogany Pembroke table of his, with a scroll of white wood let into its surface, on which are inlaid, in black letters, this piece of information:

      "On this table James Thomson constantly wrote. It was therefore purchased of his servant, who also gave these brass hooks, on which his hat and cane were hung in this his sitting room.

      F. B."

      These initials, F. B., are those of the Hon. Frances Boscawen, the widow of Admiral Boscawen, who came into possession of the property after the death of Mr. Ross, whose name, however, still attaches to it, being called Rossdale, or, more commonly, Rosedale House. Mrs. Boscawen it was who repaired the poet's favorite seat in the garden, and placed in it the table on which he wrote his poems there; she it was, too, no doubt, who hung the inscriptions there, her initials being again found appended to one of them. Her son, Lord Falmouth, sold the place. No brass hooks are now to be seen, that I could discover or learn any thing of.

      The garden of Thompson,

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