IT Cloud. Eugeny Shtoltc
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* ReplicaSet, Deployment – scalable PODs;
* DaemonSet – it is created in each cluster node;
* services (sorted in order of importance): ClusterIP (by default, basic for the rest), NodePort (redirects ports open in the cluster, for each POD, to ports from the range 30000-32767 for accessing specific PODs from the external), LoadBalancer ( NodePort with the ability to create a public IP address for Internet access in public clouds such as AWS and GCP), HostPort (opens ports on the host machine corresponding to the container, that is, if port 9200 is open in the container, it will also be open on the host machine for forward traffic) and HostNetwork (the containers in the POD will be in the host's network space).
The wizard contains at least: kube-APIserver, kube-sheduler and kube-controller-manager. Slave composition:
* kubelet – checking the health of a system component (nodes), creating and managing containers. It is located on each node, accesses the kube-APIserver and matches the node on which it is located.
* cAdviser – node monitoring.
Let's say we have hosting and we have created three AVS servers. Now you need to install Docker and Docker-machine on each server, how to do this was described above. Docker-machine itself is a virtual machine for Docker containers, we will only build an internal driver for it – VirtualBox – so as not to install additional packages. Now, from the operations that must be performed on each server, it remains to create Docker machines, the rest of the operations for setting up and creating containers on them can be performed from the master node, and they will be automatically launched on free nodes and redistributed when their number changes. So, let's start the Docker-machine on the first node:
docker-machine create –driver virtualbox –virtualbox-cpu-count "2" –virtualbox-memory "2048" –virtualbox-disk-size "20000" swarm-node-1
docker-machine env swarm-node-1 // tcp: // 2376
eval $ (docker-machine env swarm-node-1)
We launch the second node:
docker-machine create –driver virtualbox –virtualbox-cpu-count "2" –virtualbox-memory "2048" –virtualbox-disk-size "20000" swarm-node-2
docker-machine env swarm-node-2
eval $ (docker-machine env swarm-node-2)
We launch the third node:
docker-machine create –driver virtualbox –virtualbox-cpu-count "2" –virtualbox-memory "2048" –virtualbox-disk-size "20000" swarm-node-3
eval $ (docker-machine env swarm-node-3)
Let's connect to the first node, initialize the distributed storage in it and pass it the address of the manager (leader) node:
docker-machine ssh swarm-node-1
docker swarm init –advertise-addr
docker node ls // will display the current
docker swarm join-token worker
If tokens are forgotten, they can be obtained by executing the commands docker swarm join-token manager and docker swarm join-token worker in a node with a distributed storage .
To create a cluster, it is necessary to register (join) all its future nodes with the Docker swarm join –token … command , a token is used for authentication, to discover them, they must be on the same subnet. You can view all servers with the docker node info command
The docker swarm init command will create a cluster leader, while alone, but in the response received, the command necessary to connect other nodes to this cluster will be given, important information in which is a token, for example, docker swarm join –token … 192.168 .99.100: 2377 . Connect to the remaining nodes via SSH using the docker-machine SSH name_node command and execute it.
For the interaction of containers, the bridge network is used, which is a switch. But for several replicas to work, a subnet is needed, since all replicas will have the same ports, and proxying is done by ip using a distributed storage, and it does not matter whether they are physically located on the same server or different. It should be noted right away that balancing is carried out according to the roundrobin rule, that is, one by one to each replica. It is important to create an overlay network to create DNS on top of it and be able to refer to replicas by name. Let's create a subnet:
docker network create –driver overlay –subnet –opt encrypted services
Now we need to fill the cluster with containers. To do this, we create not a container, but a service, which is a template for creating containers on different nodes. The number of replicas to be created is specified during creation in the –replicas key , and the distribution is random over the nodes, but as uniform as possible. In addition to replicas, the service has a load balancer, the ports from which (input ports for all replicas) are proxied are specified in the -p switch , and Server Discovery (discovery of working replicas, determining their IP addresses, restarting) replicas are performed by the balancer independently.
docker service create -p 80:80 –name busybox –replicas 2 –network services busybox sleep 3000
Let's check the status of the docker service ls service , the status and uniformity of the distribution of the docker service ps busybox container replicas and its work wget -O- . Service is a higher-level abstraction, which includes the container and organizing its update (by no means only), that is, to update the container parameters, you do not need to delete and create it, but simply update the service, and the service will first create a new one with the updated configuration, and only after it starts will delete the old one.
Docker Swarm has its own load balancer Ingress load balacing, which balances the load between replicas on the port declared when creating the service, in our case it is port 80. The entry point can be any server with this port, but the response will be received from the server to which the request was forwarded by the balancer.
We can also save data to the host machine, as in a regular container, there are two options for this:
docker service create –mount type = bind, src = …, dst = .... name = .... ..... #
docker service create –mount type = volume, src = …, dst = .... name = .... ..... # to host
The application is deployed via Docker-compose running on nodes (replicas). When updating the Docker-compose configuration, you need to update the Docker stack, and the cluster will be consistently updated: one replica will be deleted and a new one will be created in its place in accordance with the new config, then the next one. If an error occurs, a rollback will be made to the previous configuration. Well, let's get started:
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml test_stack
docker service update –label-add foo = bar Nginx docker service update –label-rm foo Nginx docker service update –publish-rm 80 Nginx docker node update –availability = drain swarm-node-3 swarm-node-3
Docker swarm
$ sudo docker pull swarm
$ sudo docker run –rm swarm create
docker secrete create test_secret docker service create –secret test_secret cat / run / secrets / test_secret health check: hello-check-cobbalt example pipeline: