Bovine Reproduction. Группа авторов

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Bovine Reproduction - Группа авторов

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the presence of large penile fibropapillomas.

Photo depicts phimosis due to circumferential stricture of the preputial cavity following preputial laceration.

      Source: Courtesy of Craig Easley.

      Extension of the penis requires appropriate function of the elastic tissues and severe damage prevents the gliding action that permits the free portion of the penis and internal lamina of the prepuce to exit the preputial orifice. Formation of adhesions between the penis, the elastic tissues, and overlying skin following trauma may effectively limit the movement of the penis and result in partial or complete failure of extension. The site of the adhesions may sometimes be identified by a visible deformation of the contour of the overlying skin at the time of attempted erection.

Photo depicts phimosis due to the presence of a penile fibropapilloma larger than the preputial orifice. The tip of the free portion of the penis has been grasped with sponge forceps (a). Following incision of the internal lamina of the prepuce to enlarge the preputial orifice, the penis was extended and the fibropapilloma surgically excised (b).

      Many bulls with phimosis are culled. In cases of preputial stenosis, restoration of the preputial lumen may be accomplished by resection of the compromised tissues and anastomosis of the remaining prepuce if sufficient healthy preputial tissues remain. Similarly, surgical scar revision can be useful for restoring the integrity of the preputial lumen when the amount of healthy preputial skin is insufficient for preputial resection. Both techniques are described in Chapter 19. No treatment is effective if adhesions of the elastic tissues are severe.

      Avulsion of the Prepuce

Photo depicts preputial avulsion. Notice the separation of the attachment of the preputial skin from its attachment at the base of the glans penis.

      Source: Image courtesy Jessica Rush.

      When collecting semen with an AV the person collecting the semen should be appropriately trained, a suitable AV and liner should be selected and properly prepared, and bulls should always be observed closely following collection [21].

      Congenital Abnormalities

      Congenital abnormalities of the penis occur sporadically and are sometimes associated with other disorders of sexual development.


      Hypospadias, an abnormal opening in the urethra that occurs when the embryonic urethral groove fails to close or closes incompletely anywhere along its length, has been reported in bulls and other species. In some cases the entire length of the penile urethra may be involved and may be easily observed at birth [22]. Cases that involve only the distal urethra may go unobserved until the bull is examined during a breeding soundness examination [23]. Slight caudal relocation of the urethral meatus may not significantly affect fertility.

      Congenital Short Penis

      Congenital short penis is seen uncommonly and must be differentiated from a partial phimosis secondary to preputial injury or fibrosis of the retractor penis muscles. Some affected bulls may sire calves by natural service during their first or second breeding season, but copulation becomes impossible as they reach mature body size. Diagnosis is made by observation of breeding and measurement of the distance from the preputial orifice to the tip of the extended penis. The etiology of congenital short penis is unknown [24]. Affected bulls are unable to breed naturally and should be culled.


      Diphallus, or duplication of the penis, is reported sporadically [25, 26]. Duplication may involve only the glans

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