Liquid Biofuels. Группа авторов

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Liquid Biofuels - Группа авторов

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Dehghani, S., and Haghighi, M., Sono-sulfated zirconia nanocatalyst supported on MCM–41 for biodiesel production from sunflower oil: influence of ultrasound irradiation power on catalytic properties and performance. Ultrason. Sonochem., 35, 142–151, 2017.

      66. Hajamini, Z., Sobati, M.A., Shahhosseini, S., Ghobadian, B., Waste fish oil (WFO) esterification catalyzed by sulfonated activated carbon under ultrasound irradiation. Appl. Therm. Eng., 94, 141–150, 2016.

      67. Maneechakr, P., Samerjit, J., Uppakarnrod, S., Karnjanakom, S., Experimental design and kinetic study of ultrasonic assisted transesterification of waste cooking oil over sulfonated carbon catalyst derived from cyclodextrin. J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 32, 128–136, 2015.

      68. Maneechakr, P., Samerjit, J., Karnjanakom, S., Ultrasonic-assisted biodiesel production from waste cooking oil over novel sulfonic functionalized carbon spheres derived from cyclodextrin via one-step: a way to produce biodiesel at short reaction time. RSC Adv., 5 (68), 55252–55261, 2015.

      69. Gaikwad, N.D., Gogate, P.R., Synthesis and application of carbon based heterogeneous catalysts for ultrasound assisted biodiesel production. Green Process. Synth., 4 (1), 17–30, 2015.

      70. Pukale, D.D., Maddikeri, G.L., Gogate, P.R., Pandit, A.B., Pratap, A.P., Ultrasound assisted transesterification of waste cooking oil using heterogeneous solid catalyst. Ultrason. Sonochem., 22, 278–286, 2015.

      71. Badday, A.S., Abdullah, A.Z., Lee, K.T., Transesterification of crude Jatropha oil by activated carbon-supported heteropolyacid catalyst in an ultrasound-assisted reactor system. Renew. Energy, 62, 10–17, 2014.

      72. Badday, A.S., Abdullah, A.Z., Lee, K.T., Ultrasound-assisted transesterification of crude Jatropha oil using cesium doped heteropolyacid catalyst: Interactions between process variables. Energy, 60, 283–291, 2013.

      74. Poppe, J.K., Matte, C.R., Fernandez-Lafuente, R., Rodrigues, R.C., Ayub, M.A.Z. Transesterification of waste frying oil and soybean oil by combilipases under ultrasound–assisted reactions. Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol., 186 (3), 576–589, 2018.

      75. Santin, C.M., Michelin, S., Scherer, R.P., Valério, A., di Luccio, M., Oliveira, D., Oliveira, J. V., Comparison of macauba and soybean oils as substrates for the enzymatic biodiesel production in ultrasound–assisted system. Ultrason. Sonochem., 35, 525–528, 2017.

      76. Bhangu, S.K., Gupta, S., Ashokkumar, M., Ultrasonic enhancement of lipase–catalysed transesterification for biodiesel synthesis. Ultrason. Sonochem., 34, 305–309, 2017.

      77. Adewale, P., Dumont, M.J., Ngadi, M., Enzyme-catalyzed synthesis and kinetics of ultrasonic assisted methanolysis of waste lard for biodiesel production. Chem. Eng. J., 284, 158–165, 2016.

      78. Adewale, P., Dumont, M.J., Ngadi, M., Enzyme-catalyzed synthesis and kinetics of ultrasonic-assisted biodiesel production from waste tallow. Ultrason. Sonochem., 27, 1–9, 2015.

      79. Subhedar, P.B., Botelho, C., Ribeiro, A., Castro, R., Pereira, M.A., Gogate, P.R., Cavaco-Paulo, A., Ultrasound intensification suppresses the need of methanol excess during the biodiesel production with Lipozyme TL–IM. Ultrason. Sonochem., 27, 530–535, 2015.

      80. Michelin, S., Penha, F.M., Sychoski, M.M., Scherer, R.P., Treichel, H., Valério, A., Di Luccio, M., de Oliveira, D., Oliveira, J. V., Kinetics of ultrasound–assisted enzymatic biodiesel production from Macauba coconut oil. Renew. Energy, 76, 388–393, 2015.

      81. Trentin, C.M., Popiolki, A.S., Batistella, L., Dalla Rosa, C., Treichel, H., de Oliveira, D., Oliveira, J. V., Enzyme-catalyzed production of biodiesel by ultrasound-assisted ethanolysis of soybean oil in solvent-free system. Bioprocess Biosyst. Eng., 38 (3), 437–448, 2015.

      82. Karimi, M., Keyhani, A., Akram, A., Rahman, M., Jenkins, B., Stroeve, P., Hybrid response surface methodology-genetic algorithm optimization of ultrasound–assisted transesterification of waste oil catalysed by immobilized lipase on mesoporous silica/iron oxide magnetic core-shell nanoparticles. Environ. Technol., 34 (13–14), 2201–2211, 2013.

      83. Batistella, L., Lerin, L.A., Brugnerotto, P., Danielli, A.J., Trentin, C.M., Popiolski, A., Treichel, H., Oliveira, J. V., de Oliveira, D., Ultrasound-assisted lipase-catalyzed transesterification of soybean oil in organic solvent system. Ultrason. Sonochem., 19 (3), 452–458, 2012.

      84. Kumar, G., Kumar, D., Johari, R., Singh, C., Enzymatic transesterification of Jatropha curcas oil assisted by ultrasonication. Ultrason. Sonochemistry, 18 (5), 923–927, 2011.

      86. Gogate, P.R., Sutkar, V.S., Pandit, A.B., Sonochemical reactors: Important design and scale up considerations with a special emphasis on heterogeneous systems. Chem. Eng. J., 166 (3), 1066–1082, 2011.

      87. Gogate, P.R., Shirgaonkar, I.Z., Sivakumar, M., Senthilkumar, P., Vichare, N.P., Pandit, A.B., Cavitation reactors: Efficiency assessment using a model reaction. AIChE J., 47 (11), 2526–2538, 2001.

      88. Panda, D., Saharan, V.K., Manickam, S., Controlled Hydrodynamic Cavitation: A Review of Recent Advances and Perspectives for Greener Processing. Processes, 8, 220, 2020.

      89. Gogate, P.R., Tatake, P.A., Kanthale, P.M., Pandit, A.B., Mapping of sonochemical reactors: Review, analysis, and experimental verification. AIChE J., 48 (7), 1542–1560, 2002.

      90. Sharma, A., Gogate, P.R., Mahulkar, A., Pandit, A.B., Modeling of hydrodynamic cavitation reactors based on orifice plates considering hydrodynamics and chemical reactions occurring in bubble. Chem. Eng. J., 143 (1–3), 201–209, 2008.

      91. Patil, A., Baral, S.S., Dhanke, P., Kore, V., Biodiesel production using prepared novel surface functionalised TiO2 nano-catalyst in hydrodynamic cavitation reactor. Mater. Today Proc., 27 (1), 198–203, 2020.

      92. Khan, I.A., Prasad, N., Pal, A., Yadav, A.K., Efficient production of biodiesel from Cannabis sativa oil using intensified transesterification (hydrodynamic cavitation) method. Energy Sources, Part A Recover. Util. Environ. Eff., 1–10, 2019.

      93. Bargole, S., George, S., Saharan, V.K., Improved rate of transesterification reaction in biodiesel synthesis using hydrodynamic cavitating devices of high throat perimeter to flow area ratios. Chem. Eng. Process. Intensif., 139, 1–13, 2019.

      94. Chitsaz, H., Omidkhah, M., Ghobadian, B., Ardjmand, M., Optimization of hydrodynamic cavitation process of biodiesel production by response surface methodology. J. Environ. Chem. Eng., 6 (2), 2262–2268, 2018.

      95. Kolhe, N.S., Gupta, A.R.,

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