The drop‐down list of transition effectsFIGURE 5.2 Preview iconFIGURE 5.3 Airplane transition in the drop‐down listFIGURE 5.4 The Left icon in the drop‐down listFIGURE 5.5 Animation styles in the drop‐down listFIGURE 5.6 By Paragraph at the bottom of the drop‐down listFIGURE 5.7 Animation PaneFIGURE 5.8 Effect Options in the drop‐down menuFIGURE 5.9 By Letter option in the Animate Text drop‐down menuFIGURE 5.10 The Wipe style in the drop‐down listFIGURE 5.11 One By One option in the Sequence sectionFIGURE 5.12 The Show Additional Effects Options iconFIGURE 5.13 The Wipe dialog boxFIGURE 5.14 Level 1 in the Animation PaneFIGURE 5.15 Remove option in the drop‐down menuFIGURE 5.16 The Turntable style in the drop‐down listFIGURE 5.17 The rotating scarf with the Turntable effect appliedFIGURE 5.18 Animation effect options for the Turntable styleFIGURE 5.19 Effect Options menu optionFIGURE 5.20 Wipe dialog boxFIGURE 5.21 The Turns motion path in the drop‐down listFIGURE 5.22 The truncated graphic in the slideFIGURE 5.23 Effect Options drop‐down menuFIGURE 5.24 The Duplicate Selected Slides optionFIGURE 5.25 The Morph icon in the ribbonFIGURE 5.26 Effects drop‐down menuFIGURE 5.27 Animation marker on the slideFIGURE 5.28 The Duration boxFIGURE 5.29 After check box in the Transitions ribbon