Under Pressure. A. C. Meyer

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Under Pressure - A. C. Meyer

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might have.

      Mandy had already been too much embarrassed for being clumsy. At school, she had taken many memorable falls during the break. And that was why her favorite place at school had always been the library. Among the shelves full of books, the girl spent most of her free time lost in her imagination. The pages of the books were her favorite retreat, especially Jane Austen's period novels. Obviously, it would be no different - she already had even discovered where exactly her new literary refuge was located.

      A knock sounded on the door. It could only be May to say she was ready.

      "Come in," she shouted, as she pulled on the Pearl Jam's gray T-shirt. The piece was old, but it was her lucky shirt.

      "Yikes! Are you going with that rag?" - May asked as she entered, making a face. She looked beautiful in a green dress and the auburn hair in a loose ponytail.

      "It's not a rag! It's my Pearl Jam shirt!" - Mandy protested, but her friend stuck her nose in disgust.

      "Which deserves to become a floor cloth. Seriously, Mandy, how are you going to get a boyfriend dressed as a nerd?" - She asked, but her friend laughed, ignoring her absurd argument and continued to put on her blue Converse.

      "And who said I want to get a boyfriend, you crazy?" - She replied, but she couldn't get away in time for May to grab her shoulders and push her in the chair.

      "You will go out in this strange outfit, but the hair and makeup are on me."

      Knowing that there was no point in protesting, the girl allowed her friend to blow-dry her hair and do a light makeup. When finished, May turned her around to face the mirror with a satisfied smile and a winning expression. Looking at herself closely, Mandy couldn't help but agree that it looked much better. Her long hair was loose, like a chocolate-colored curtain falling down her back. The bangs, which gained volume with the aid of the dryer, came almost at the level of the eyebrows, making her look even younger. Mandy didn't know what kind of magic May had done, but her eyes were high, looking like two big marbles.

      “Finally! You went from being a clumsy nerd to being a sexy geek!" - May said laughing, while Mandy looked again at her reflection in the mirror, obviously not believing that story that she was sexy, but having to agree that she was much better than before: her face didn't look so dull anymore and her hair was shiny. Her gaze drifted to the body and she noticed the t-shirt fitted to her breasts, making them stand out in a way she didn't used to do until last year.

      To celebrate the start of classes, they decided to have breakfast on campus and headed out to the parking lot. The corridors of the student's residence were still empty, since they were leaving much earlier than normal school hours.

      Entering May's old Subaru 2009, which had been purchased with the help of her parents and many hours of work as a babysitter to save money, Mandy turned on the stereo.

      "What's up, friend? Are you ready? I'm so looking forward to meeting everyone again..."

      Despite being away from home, several of their countrymen had also been admitted to Brown, among them, two of their best friends: Yoshi, a Japanese by birth, but who had lived in Gloucester since he was one year old and Sean, a very smart guy, but very quiet. The four were raised together, in the same neighborhood. Mandy couldn't remember a time when they weren't together. And at the university, it would be no different. The four applied for the same institutions, so they wouldn't have to split up. Brown ended up being the option of friends, since everyone had been admitted and was closer to home.

      Yoshi and Sean arrived in Providence shortly after the girls and settled in a student's residence near their apartment. In the days leading up to the start of classes, Mandy and May took it upon themselves to take them to see the surroundings.

      Ready for the first, the girls decided to go to the cafeteria that was next to the building where they would attend the day's classes. They waited in the small queue, and when their turn came, May ordered two macchiatos toffees, which were then delivered, and went to a table in the corner of the room. While listening to her friend talk about a colleague she didn't remember, but who had been admitted to Harvard, Mandy took out her bullet journal to check the schedule for the day. That hardcover notebook, with a ballerina illustration on tiptoe, followed her everywhere. There, she wrote down her appointments, made her schedules, ballet lesson plans and lists. Many lists.

      After drinking coffee and chatting, May took out her cell phone to check her e-mails and Mandy got up to throw the disposable cups in the trash when a move caught her eye. She looked in the direction of the door and saw a group of girls entering the cafeteria, drawing not only her attention, but everyone's in the establishment. Eight very beautiful blondes, who wore a tight white jacket on the body, with a K and an embroidered triangle at the height of the chest, came in laughing and talking loudly. The girls stopped at a table next to the cafeteria counter, where three basketball players were. As Mandy returned to her seat, she heard voices and laughter from there.

      As she sat down, she asked:

      "May, do you know them?"

      "They're the Kappa Delta," the friend replied, but she still didn't know who they were.

      "What’s this? A group?" - She asked, frowning and May laughed, already used to her friend's detached way.

      "They are part of a fellowship called Kappa Delta. Did you see the symbol embroidered on the jacket?" - He asked and Mandy nodded. - "The three who are almost jumping on the guy with the tattoo are also cheerleaders."


      Curious, Mandy looked away in the direction indicated by her friend and saw the strong boy, who was wearing the sleeveless shirt of the university basketball team uniform. His arms showed a series of tattoos, covering them completely and he was surrounded by the girls. Just by looking at them, even if from a distance, Mandy was sure that they would never be part of the same group of friends. Those girls were too exuberant to relate to an ordinary girl like her.

      One of the things she was learning about life at the university - although they had barely made it there - was the importance that students gave to sports - especially basketball - and the sororities and fraternities scattered throughout Providence. From what she had read in the freshman welcome manual, which she had received as soon as they arrived, the basketball team was the pride of the academic sports community, having revealed much of the great highlights of professional teams in the USA.

      "Mandy, shall we?" - May called her friend, taking her out of her thoughts. The girl looked at the hours that appeared on the cell phone display, nodded and stood up. They would still need to find a place to park the car closest to their respective classrooms. They then went around the campus, talking about class schedules, excited because they would take two subjects in the same class.

      Finding a spot near the entrance, May carefully parked the car. Although old, her vehicle was very well maintained. Her friends, Yoshi and Sean, real nerds when it came to physics, chemistry and mechanics, spent two weeks of summer vacation hunched over the car, repairing what was defective, so she could travel safely.

      Unfastening his seat belt, Mandy looked around and saw several young people greeting and talking right at the entrance. She managed to recognize a few people from her hometown who had graduated before them. Smiling, she let the feeling of familiarity invade her when she saw some familiar faces in the midst of so many new people, calming the sense of panic that sometimes threatened to envelop her, having to face so many new circumstances.

      As they got out of the car, she felt the hot summer sun hit her face. She smiled and looked

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