Colonialism and Modern Social Theory. Gurminder K. Bhambra

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Colonialism and Modern Social Theory - Gurminder K. Bhambra

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century, in the writings of Karl Marx, Émile Durkheim, and Max Weber.

      Successive generations of social theorists from 1830 to 1920 were seen to provide the groundwork for the self-understanding of modern society – in particular the foundations of the modern social sciences and sociology. This was the core argument of Talcott Parsons’s The Structure of Social Action. His book was first published in 1937, then reprinted in paperback in 1968, when its resurgence coincided with a growth in university programmes devoted to sociology.

      Looking at these two books and their authors, in each case there was a paradox. Modernity was associated with historical changes that were evident from the sixteenth century onwards; but neither Nisbet nor Parsons began with the earlier formative events that produced the new society they analysed. Each one presented the core of modern social thought through writers that belonged to the late nineteenth century, which was the height of European imperialism. Yet neither author mentioned imperialism. Nor did they discuss the earlier period of colonial settlement, which both preceded it and was continuous with it.3

      As sociology itself became consolidated, a canon of ‘classical’ theorists was formed. Their number was sometimes expanded to include Georg Simmel, Vilfredo Pareto, and the English economist Alfred Marshall (the latter two introduced by Parsons). But Marx, Weber, and Durkheim remained constant figures, even if the way in which they have been interpreted has differed. Our concern here is less with the expansion (or otherwise) of the canon as a set of writers than it is with the canon itself, as a set of categories. We are also interested in the correlative social and political conditions and in how these are involved in the construction of the idea of modernity.

      The treatment of these writers was not substantially different in Anthony Giddens’s (1971) influential Capitalism and Modern Social Theory from what it had been in Nisbet and Parsons; and this was a book that became the basis of most undergraduate courses in sociological theory in the United Kingdom. Unlike Parsons and Nisbet, Giddens did not focus primarily upon cultural values and issues of social integration; he concentrated instead on the social relations embedded in the modern, capitalist economy. Nonetheless, his temporal framing of modernity and the rise of modern social theory was much the same as that of Nisbet and Parsons, namely the period 1890–1920 and the writings of Marx, Weber, and Durkheim. Paradoxically, the canon was at once expanded and narrowed. Giddens (1971: vii) commented that ‘the most striking characteristic of social thought over the hundred years from 1820 to 1920 is the very plethora of diverse forms of theory which were developed over that period’. However, he did not seek to engage with these forms. His purpose was different: it was to spell out the contemporary relevance of the three writers in terms of current problems in sociology. In the case of Marx, this relevance had two core aspects: the nature of critique and the class relations of the capitalist mode of production – aspects that will concern us throughout this book.

      Given this set of challenges, Parsons’s sociological settlement appeared to be wanting. Sociologists grew more interested in the dynamics of class, and it did not immediately appear to be a problem that class was understood to be ‘race-blind’. Du Bois, for example, especially in later life, was sympathetic to Marxism, and this attitude was to become common among many African American scholars after him. The reason is not too difficult to understand. In 1944 Gunnar Myrdal had published a commissioned report into race in the United States, The American Dilemma, using in it the terminology of caste – as had Du Bois himself earlier – to explain racialised hierarchies. Myrdal anticipated that American democratic values – the ‘American creed’ – would ultimately prevail and resolve these inequalities. In this respect, Myrdal represented an ‘optimistic’ interpretation, believing that the American creed was hostile to all status differences, including those of class (Myrdal 1962 [1944]: 671). However, among African American sociologists after Du Bois, the language of ‘caste’ used by Myrdal was criticised along with his idea that the American creed would enable the resolution of racialised hierarchies. ‘Class’, by contrast, could be understood as a universalisable term and concept, one that could appeal to a common condition across racialised differences (see Robinson 1983).

      Calls to decolonise the university in the 1960s were part of wider movements of decolonisation, especially in East Africa (Mamdani 2019). They involved challenges both to the western curriculum and to the nature of academic recruitment and training. Such initiatives were typically seen as ‘anti-western’, and it is only recently that a self-critical movement to decolonise the university has emerged in the western academy itself (Bhambra, Nişancioǧlu, and Gebrial 2018). The impetus of this movement comes largely from Africa, via the examples of the Rhodes Must Fall and Fees Must Fall movements in South Africa. This book takes up one aspect of the wider discussion. It addresses the colonial context in which the contemporary European understanding of modern social theory has been formed. It takes seriously

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