2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Control volume and notation for heat conduction.Figure 2.2 Notation for Example 2.2.Figure 2.3 Example 2.3: The solution u of (a) the periodic problem, (b) the ...Figure 2.4 Notation for two‐dimensional domains.Figure 2.5 Example 2.4: The solution domain and finite element mesh (mm).Figure 2.6 Control volume and notation for heat conduction in 2D.Figure 2.7 Notation for stress components.Figure 2.8 Spring boundary condition. Schematic representation.Figure 2.9 Symmetry and antisymmetry of vectors in two dimensions.Figure 2.10 Notation.Figure 2.11 Virtual displacements corresponding to (a) σ11 and (b) σ...Figure 2.12 Rigid body constraints. Notation.Figure 2.13 Example 2.7. NotationFigure 2.14 Notation.Figure 2.15 Notation.Figure 2.16 Notation for Exercise 2.7.
3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Standard quadrilateral and triangular elements
.Figure 3.2 Trunk space. Illustration of spanning sets for
.Figure 3.3 Product space. Illustration of spanning set for the space
.Figure 3.4 Hierarchic shape functions for quadrilateral elements. Trunk spac...Figure 3.5 Isoparametric quadrilateral and triangular elements.Figure 3.6 Notation for (a) the standard triangular element and (b) quarter‐...Figure 3.7 Quadrilateral element with one curved side.Figure 3.8 Quadrilateral elements bounded by circular segments.Figure 3.9 The standard tetrahedral and pentahedral elements
.Figure 3.10 Meshing of a spherical surface with 202 triangular elements.Figure 3.11 Nodal forces associated with the 8‐node quadrilateral element. N...Figure 3.12 Example 3.3. Notation.Figure 3.13 Example 3.3. The smallest solution domain.
4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Reentrant corner. NotationFigure 4.2 The L‐shaped domain with a circular cut‐out. (a) Notation. (b) Th...Figure 4.3 The L‐shaped domain with a circular cut‐out (
). Comparison of tw...Figure 4.4 The L‐shaped domain. (a) Notation, (b) radically graded 27‐elemen...Figure 4.5 The L‐shaped domain. Comparison of three discretization schemes. ...Figure 4.6 The L‐shaped domain with a circular cut‐out. (a) 18‐element mesh,...Figure 4.7 Definition of