The 1992 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 1992 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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       Administrative divisions:

       30 provinces (velayat, singular - velayat); Badakhshan, Badghis, Baghlan,

       Balkh, Bamian, Farah, Faryab, Ghazni, Ghowr, Helmand, Herat, Jowzjan, Kabol,

       Kandahar, Kapisa, Konar, Kondoz, Laghman, Lowgar, Nangarhar, Nimruz,

       Oruzgan, Paktia, Paktika, Parvan, Samangan, Sar-e Pol, Takhar, Vardak,

       Zabol; note - there may be a new province of Nurestan (Nuristan)


       19 August 1919 (from UK)


       the old Communist-era constitution probably will be replaced with an Islamic


       Legal system:

       a new legal system has not been adopted but the transitional government has

       declared it will follow Islamic law (Shari`a)

       National holiday:

       28 April, Victory of the Muslim Nation; 4 May, Remembrance Day for Martyrs

       and Disabled; 19 August, Independence Day

       Executive branch:

       a 51-member transitional council headed by Sibghatullah MOJADDEDI rules

       Kabul; this body is to turn over power to a leadership council, which will

       function as the government and organize elections; Burhanuddin RABBANI will

       serve as interim President

       Legislative branch:

       previous bicameral legislature has been abolished

       Judicial branch:

       an interim Chief Justice of the Supreme Court has been appointed, but a new

       court system has not yet been organized


       Chief of State and Head of Government:

       Interim President Burhanuddin RABBANI; First Vice President Abdul Wahed

       SORABI (since 7 January 1991); Prime Minister Fazil Haq KHALIQYAR (since 21

       May 1990)

       Political parties and leaders:

       the former resistance parties represent the only current political

       organizations and include Jamiat-i-Islami (Islamic Society), Burhanuddin

       RABBANI; Hizbi Islami-Gulbuddin (Islamic Party), Gulbuddin Hikmatyar

       Faction; Hizbi Islami-Khalis (Islamic Party) Yunis Khalis Faction;

       Ittihad-i-Islami Barai Azadi Afghanistan (Islamic Union for the Liberation

       of Afghanistan), Abdul Rasul SAYYAF; Harakat-Inqilab-i-Islami (Islamic

       Revolutionary Movement), Mohammad Nabi MOHAMMADI; Jabha-i-Najat-i-Milli

       Afghanistan (Afghanistan National Liberation Front), Sibghatullah MOJADDEDI;

       Mahaz-i-Milli-Islami (National Islamic Front), Sayed Ahamad GAILANI;

       Jonbesh-i-Milli Islami (National Islamic Movement), Ahmad Shah MASOOD and

       Rashid DOSTAM; Hizbi Wahdat (Islamic Unity Party), and a number of minor

       resistance parties; the former ruling Watan Party has been disbanded


       undetermined; previously universal, male ages 15-50


       the transition government has promised elections in October 1992


       the former ruling Watan (Homeland) Party has been disbanded

      :Afghanistan Government

      Other political or pressure groups:

       the former resistance commanders are the major power brokers in the

       countryside; shuras (councils) of commanders are now administering most

       cities outside Kabul; ulema (religious scholars); tribal elders

       Member of:

       Has previously been a member of AsDB, CP, ESCAP, FAO, G-77, IAEA, IBRD,


       UN, UNCTAD, UNESCO, UNIDO, UPU, WFTU, WHO, WMO, WTO; note - the new

       government has not yet announced whether it will continue to be a member of

       these bodies; the former resistance government in exile (Afghan Interim

       Government) was given membership in the OIC in 1989

       Diplomatic representation:

       previous Minister-Counselor, Charge d'Affaires Abdul Ghafur JOUSHAN;

       Chancery at 2341 Wyoming Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20008; telephone (202)

       234-3770 or 3771; a new representative has not yet been named


       Charge d'Affaires (vacant); Embassy at Ansari Wat, Wazir Akbar Khan Mina,

       Kabul; telephone 62230 through 62235 or 62436; note - US Embassy in Kabul

       was closed in January 1989


       a new flag of unknown description reportedly has been adopted; previous flag

       consisted of three equal horizontal bands of black (top), red, and green,

       with the national coat of arms superimposed on the hoist side of the black

       and red bands; similar to the flag of Malawi, which is shorter and bears a

       radiant, rising red sun centered in the black band

      :Afghanistan Economy


       Fundamentally, Afghanistan is an extremely poor, landlocked country, highly

       dependent on farming (wheat especially) and livestock raising (sheep and

       goats). Economic considerations, however, have played second fiddle to


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