The 1992 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 1992 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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style="font-size:15px;">       3 total, 3 usable; 2 with permanent-surface runways; 1 with runways

       2,440-3,659 m; 2 with runways less than 1,220 m


       good automatic telephone system; 6,700 telephones; tropospheric scatter

       links with Saba and Guadeloupe; broadcast stations - 4 AM, 2 FM, 2 TV, 2

       shortwave; 1 coaxial submarine cable; 1 Atlantic Ocean INTELSAT earth


      :Antigua and Barbuda Defense Forces


       Royal Antigua and Barbuda Defense Force, Royal Antigua and Barbuda Police

       Force (including the Coast Guard)

       Manpower availability:


       Defense expenditures:

       exchange rate conversion - $1.4 million, 1% of GDP (FY91)

      :Arctic Ocean Geography

      Total area:

       14,056,000 km2

       Land area:

       14,056,000 km2; includes Baffin Bay, Barents Sea, Beaufort Sea, Chukchi Sea,

       East Siberian Sea, Greenland Sea, Hudson Bay, Hudson Strait, Kara Sea,

       Laptev Sea, and other tributary water bodies

       Comparative area:

       slightly more than 1.5 times the size of the US; smallest of the world's

       four oceans (after Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, and Indian Ocean)


       45,389 km


       some maritime disputes (see littoral states)


       persistent cold and relatively narrow annual temperature ranges; winters

       characterized by continuous darkness, cold and stable weather conditions,

       and clear skies; summers characterized by continuous daylight, damp and

       foggy weather, and weak cyclones with rain or snow


       central surface covered by a perennial drifting polar icepack that averages

       about 3 meters in thickness, although pressure ridges may be three times

       that size; clockwise drift pattern in the Beaufort Gyral Stream, but nearly

       straight line movement from the New Siberian Islands (Russia) to Denmark

       Strait (between Greenland and Iceland); the ice pack is surrounded by open

       seas during the summer, but more than doubles in size during the winter and

       extends to the encircling land masses; the ocean floor is about 50%

       continental shelf (highest percentage of any ocean) with the remainder a

       central basin interrupted by three submarine ridges (Alpha Cordillera,

       Nansen Cordillera, and Lomonsov Ridge); maximum depth is 4,665 meters in the

       Fram Basin

       Natural resources:

       sand and gravel aggregates, placer deposits, polymetallic nodules, oil and

       gas fields, fish, marine mammals (seals, whales)


       endangered marine species include walruses and whales; ice islands

       occasionally break away from northern Ellesmere Island; icebergs calved from

       glaciers in western Greenland and extreme northeastern Canada; maximum snow

       cover in March or April about 20 to 50 centimeters over the frozen ocean and

       lasts about 10 months; permafrost in islands; virtually icelocked from

       October to June; fragile ecosystem slow to change and slow to recover from

       disruptions or damage


       major chokepoint is the southern Chukchi Sea (northern access to the Pacific

       Ocean via the Bering Strait); ships subject to superstructure icing from

       October to May; strategic location between North America and Russia;

       shortest marine link between the extremes of eastern and western Russia,

       floating research stations operated by the US and Russia

      :Arctic Ocean Economy


       Economic activity is limited to the exploitation of natural resources,

       including crude oil, natural gas, fish, and seals.

      :Arctic Ocean Communications


       Churchill (Canada), Murmansk (Russia), Prudhoe Bay (US)


       no submarine cables


       sparse network of air, ocean, river, and land routes; the Northwest Passage

       (North America) and Northern Sea Route (Asia) are important seasonal


      :Argentina Geography

      Total area:

       2,766,890 km2

       Land area:

       2,736,690 km2

       Comparative area:

       slightly more than four times the size of Texas

       Land boundaries:

       9,665 km total; Bolivia 832 km, Brazil 1,224 km, Chile 5,150 km, Paraguay

       1,880 km, Uruguay 579 km


       4,989 km

       Maritime claims:

       Continental shelf:


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