The 2002 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 2002 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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expenditures - dollar figure: $356 million (FY02)

      Military expenditures - percent of GDP: 2.7% (FY02)

      Transnational Issues Bulgaria

      Disputes - international: because of a shift in the Danube course since the last correction of the boundary in 1920, a joint Bulgarian-Romanian team will recommend sovereignty changes to several islands and redefine the boundary

      Illicit drugs: major European transshipment point for Southwest Asian heroin and, to a lesser degree, South American cocaine for the European market; limited producer of precursor chemicals

      This page was last updated on 1 January 2002


      Bouvet Island


      Bouvet Island

      Background: This uninhabited volcanic island is almost entirely covered by glaciers and is difficult to approach. It was discovered in 1739 by a French naval officer after whom the island was named. No claim was made until 1825 when the British flag was raised. In 1928, the UK waived its claim in favor of Norway, which had occupied the island the previous year. In 1971, Bouvet Island and the adjacent territorial waters were designated a nature reserve. Since 1977, Norway has run an automated meteorological station on the island.

      Geography Bouvet Island

      Location: Southern Africa, island in the South Atlantic Ocean, south-southwest of the Cape of Good Hope (South Africa)

      Geographic coordinates: 54 26 S, 3 24 E

      Map references: Antarctic Region

      Area: total: 58.5 sq km water: 0 sq km land: 58.5 sq km

      Area - comparative: about 0.3 times the size of Washington, DC

      Land boundaries: 0 km

      Coastline: 29.6 km

      Maritime claims: territorial sea: 4 NM

      Climate: antarctic

      Terrain: volcanic; coast is mostly inaccessible

      Elevation extremes: lowest point: South Atlantic Ocean 0 m highest point:

       Olav Peak 935 m

      Natural resources: none

      Land use: arable land: 0% permanent crops: 0% other: 100% (93% ice) (1998 est.)

      Irrigated land: 0 sq km (1998 est.)

      Natural hazards: NA

      Environment - current issues: NA

      Geography - note: covered by glacial ice; declared a nature reserve

      People Bouvet Island

      Population: uninhabited (July 2002 est.)

      Population growth rate: NA

      Government Bouvet Island

      Country name: conventional long form: none conventional short form:

       Bouvet Island

      Dependency status: territory of Norway; administered by the Polar

       Department of the Ministry of Justice and Police from Oslo

      Legal system: the laws of Norway, where applicable, apply

      Flag description: the flag of Norway is used

      Economy Bouvet Island

      Economy - overview: no economic activity; declared a nature reserve

      Communications Bouvet Island

      Internet country code: .bv

      Communications - note: automatic meteorological station

      Transportation Bouvet Island

      Waterways: none

      Ports and harbors: none; offshore anchorage only

      Military Bouvet Island

      Military - note: defense is the responsibility of Norway

      Transnational Issues Bouvet Island

      Disputes - international: none

      This page was last updated on 1 January 2002





      Background: The Sultanate of Brunei's heyday occurred between the 15th and 17th centuries, when its control extended over coastal areas of northwest Borneo and the southern Philippines. Brunei subsequently entered a period of decline brought on by internal strife over royal succession, colonial expansion of European powers, and piracy. In 1888, Brunei became a British protectorate; independence was achieved in 1984. Brunei benefits from extensive petroleum and natural gas fields, the source of one of the highest per capita GDPs in the less developed countries. The same family has now ruled Brunei for over six centuries.

      Geography Brunei

      Location: Southeastern Asia, bordering the South China Sea and Malaysia

      Geographic coordinates: 4 30 N, 114 40 E

      Map references: Southeast Asia

      Area: total: 5,770 sq km water: 500 sq km land: 5,270 sq km

      Area - comparative: slightly smaller than Delaware

      Land boundaries: total: 381 km border countries: Malaysia 381 km

      Coastline: 161 km

      Maritime claims: exclusive economic zone: 200 NM or to median line territorial sea: 12 NM

      Climate: tropical; hot, humid, rainy

      Terrain: flat coastal plain rises to mountains in east; hilly lowland in west

      Elevation extremes: lowest point: South China Sea 0 m highest point:

       Bukit Pagon 1,850 m

      Natural resources: petroleum, natural gas, timber

      Land use: arable land: 1% permanent crops: 1% other: 98% (1998 est.)

      Irrigated land: 10 sq km (1998 est.)

      Natural hazards: typhoons, earthquakes, and severe flooding are very rare

      Environment - current issues: seasonal smoke/haze resulting from forest fires

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