Introduction To Modern Planar Transmission Lines. Anand K. Verma
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The 2D dispersion diagram of both the ordinary and extraordinary waves is considered in the (y‐z)‐plane with the help of equations (4.7.26c) and (4.7.26d). Equation (4.7.26c) is the equation of an isofrequency dispersion circle, shown in Fig. (4.15a) in the (ky‐kz) plane. It is the dispersion relation of the ordinary waves in the isotropic (y‐z)‐ plane. The wavenumber
Figure 4.15 Dispersion diagrams in the uniaxial anisotropic medium.
Likewise, equation (4.7.26d) is the dispersion relation of the extraordinary waves, giving the isofrequency ellipse in the (ky‐kz)‐plane, as shown in Fig. (4.15b). In this case, the wavenumber is direction‐dependent because the relative permittivity for this case is direction‐dependent,
The dispersion relation (4.7.27b) is in the term of refractive indices. The refractive index n(θ) is the direction‐dependent, and n0 and ne are refractive indices for the ordinary and extraordinary waves. The wave analysis using the refractive index, in place of permittivity and permeability, is commonly used for the optical wave propagation in the uniaxial medium [B.18–B.20].
Figure (4.15a) shows that the ordinary waves have both the phase and group velocities, on the isofrequency contour, in the same direction. Figure (4.15b) shows the elliptical dispersion diagram for the extraordinary waves. In this case, there is a deviation of the direction of the group velocity from the direction of the phase velocity. The inner circle of Fig. (4.15b) shows the dispersion diagram of the ordinary waves with relative permittivity
The phase velocities vp1 and vp2 of the ordinary and extraordinary waves using equations (4.7.26a) and (4.7.27a) are expressed through the following relations [B.3]:
The phase velocity vp1 of the ordinary wave is independent of the angle θ. However, the phase velocity vp2 of the extraordinary wave is dependent on the angle θ. In Figure (4.15b), both velocities are identical only for the wave propagation along the z‐optic axis.
Finally, it is possible to artificially realize a uniaxial anisotropic material with one of the permittivity components as a negative quantity, say εr⊥ = − |εr⊥|. In this case, equation (4.7.26d) shows the hyperbolic dispersion relation. This medium is known as the hypermedium. It supports the wave propagation with a larger value of wavenumbers and can convert an incident evanescent wave to the propagating waves. Such engineered materials are needed by the hyperlens [J.1, J.7]. Figure (4.15d) shows the dispersion relation of the hypermedium with phase and group velocities. In this case, y‐components of vp and vg are opposite to each other. So, the hypermedium supports the backward wave propagation, and it is a metamaterial medium. The hyperlens is discussed in the subsection (5.5.6) of chapter 5.
1 B.1 Baden‐Fuller, A.J.: Microwaves, 3rd Edition, Pergamon Press, New York, 1990.
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4 B.4 Collin, R.E.: Foundations for Microwave Engineering, 2nd Edition, McGraw‐Hill, Inc., New York, 1992.
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7 B.7 Cheng, D.K.: Fields and Wave Electromagnetics, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, Singapore, 1989.
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9 B.9 Balanis, C.A.: Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1989.
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