Cold Feet. Francois Keyser
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“You smell so good,” he whispers. “I want you.” He moves closer and I let him. I want him. My walkie-talkie crackles sounding like a scream in the quiet darkness around us.
I grab it and key it.
“V here, go,” I say.
It’s Jessica. Her voice crackles over the walkie-talkie, “We need you at the reception.”
“I’m on my way,” I say.
Rick looks at me, his eyebrows raised.
I blush. “I have to go. Sorry.”
He holds up my panties, with a questioning look.
“Later,” I say as I straighten my skirt. “I need to get back…”
He pulls me to him and kisses me again quickly. “Don’t let me keep you. Maybe we can continue this after the wedding?”
“Maybe,” I say as I pull away and make my way back to the path. I feel the coolness of the night air and freedom now that I am commando. I have to admit that it feels good. You little slut, my inner voice says. I answer it and it falls silent, Yeah, you’re loving it as much as I am. You’re in the same body remember? I realize I’ll have to remember to be careful when I bend over and sit down. I can do that I tell myself.
I key the walkie-talkie as I walk briskly back to the reception. “What’s needed?” I ask. I never ask ‘what’s the problem?’ It has negative connotations and I am superstitious that it will bring bad luck and so I avoid referring to anything as a problem.
“Bar limit checkpoint,” my assistant replies.
Wow! I think to myself. This party is pumping. The bar limit checkpoint comes when eighty percent of the allocated budget had been reached. It is one of my standard operating procedures. When this point is reached, I seek approval to exceed the limit and confirm a new limit with whoever is footing the bill booze bill. I estimate the party still has at least two hours to go and there is no way the budget will last. There are a variety of options available to limit the cost and it’s time to speak to Trish’s father who is paying in this instance.
“Okay. I’ll get back to you,” I tell Jessica.
I get back to the table and sit down beside Ashley after the new bar limit has been confirmed. She looks at me and smiles.
“You were gone a while,” she smiles knowingly waiting for me to spill the beans.
“I had to sort out the bar limit,” I reply blushing. “I wasn’t with him all the time.”
“Could have fooled me,” Ashley says. Bursting with curiosity, she asks, “What did he want?”
“To get together after the wedding,” I smile.
“Really?” Ashley asks surprised. “He doesn’t take it slow does he?”
I blush again as I think of just how slow we didn’t take it. I shake my head not trusting my voice to answer as I avoid Ashley’s gaze.
“You tart!” she whispers. “You didn’t!”
“Didn’t what?” I ask feigning ignorance but still not looking at her.
“I know you,” Ashley whispers again. “You dirty little girl!” she teases.
I look at her and feign offense. “Get your mind out of the gutter,” I smile.
“C’mon. Tell me, tell me!” she whispers, begging like a little child.
I have worked with Ashley for a long time and we are good friends. She knows me well and I know her well too. I’m enjoying stringing her along.
“We didn’t…” I say and let the thought hang in the air.
“…but?” she prompts.
“I had to come back here for the bar limit but you can call me commando,” I say as I sip my drink.
“Commando?” Ashley asks confused and then it hits her. Her hand flies to her mouth as she realizes what I mean. “Oh my…”
I smile at her and wink. Then her eyes flick to a point above and behind my head and a moment later I hear his voice again.
“Is this seat taken?” he asks.
Of course not, and if it was, it would have become vacant right now just for you, I think before I reply. “No, but I’m guessing it’s about to be.”
“That all depends on whether you’ll permit me to be seated,” he smiles as he waits for permission.
What a gentleman, I think wondering what he’s done with my panties.
“Please be seated,” I say and then add, “You don’t need my permission.”
He pulls the chair out and sits as I look at Ashley. She gives me a quick wink and then excuses herself from the table. I want to ask her to stay but it’s too late.
“Can I steal you from your busy schedule for a few more moments?”
“You may,” I reply.
“I have to say that you’ve truly outdone yourself with the immaculate planning and execution of this wedding. It’s fabulous.” Rick says lightly. His voice is confident. It has an authoritative but kind tone. One that says, I’m in charge and I know what I want. I get what I want too.
I catch the scent of his cologne again. It carries a hint of wood and it’s strong. Not in the sense that he has used too much, the scent is simply strong, powerful, masculine.
“Thank you for the compliment,” I say blushing again. I’m blushing between my thighs and I’m pretty sure he knows it. I squeeze my thighs together and feel how soaked I am. My blush deepens.
“A little birdie told me that you’re one of the top wedding planners in Los Angeles,” he says as he studies me.
“Well, I don’t concern myself with classifications. I simply do the best I can for my clients. They are important and it’s a very special day so they deserve the best.”
“That’s a very noble way of thinking. Very humble too.”
“Thank you,” I blush again. “Do you normally compliment women this much? You do know it works wonders, don’t you? I will add though that you had me under the tree. You don’t need to flatter me more.”
He smiles. “I’m not flattering you. I simply believe in giving credit where credit is due,” he smiles.
“Thank you again,” I incline my head towards him.
He leans