Seven Planets. Massimo Longo E Maria Grazia Gullo
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The Council of the Four Planets Coalition had appointed them "Tetramirs", which meant that they could benefit by the Government from special authorities and jobs until the completion of their mission.
The small commercial spaceship was crossing Bonobo's big, grey rings and was proceeding towards the Sea of Silence.
That sort of spaceship was designed for the transport of goods. They were shaped like a parallelepiped with blunted edges on the front in order to provide aerodynamic movement. On top of that, they had placed small, releasable wings that were used when crossing the atmosphere. At the rear, there was a big hold door that would open in three sections like the crown of a flower and was used during loading and unloading. These spaceships were slow and bulky. They would take off and land in parallel with the ground without any room for manoeuvre, just like all the other spaceships.
"Declare yourself." a metallic voice came from the radio.
"We're merchants, sir." replied Oalif.
"We can see it. But who and what is on board? Do you have a license?"
"Settimo from Oria, sir."
"License number, now!" insisted on the guard.
"You are not in our list. Change route immediately. You do not have any permission to land in this area."
"The signal is weak, sir. I cannot hear you. License number 34876." said Oalif for a second time, pretending not to hear what the guard was saying.
"Permission to land denied!"
"We can't copy you, sir." insisted the Bonobian and then he addressed his crew members saying:" We're in, folks! We're crossing the fog in the Sea of Silence!"
Oalif was an experienced pilot, and being a Bonobian, he was a world-class connoisseur of his native planet. However, he did not fit in with the simple and mild traits that were usually to ascribed that ethnicity. His tribe had never given into the Anics, and for that reason it had paid an enormous price. During the last war, after that they had lost control of their own planet, they had been exiled and hosted by the Coalition of planets, who were plotting a domestic uprising. Their aim was regaining control of the planet.
Oalif's body was covered in dark body hair that would barely show his fair skin. Only the area surrounding his green eyes and his cheekbones was hairless. He had a thick, pointed bear, long up to his chest, and would wear his long hair in a ponytail at the back of his neck.
Oalif was the perfect man for that mission, but unfortunately, he would have had to stay on board in order to avoid prying eyes. As a matter of fact, he was wanted: his face was well known, and they did not know whom or what they were going to meet.
The spaceship landed in a green, sunny clearing crossed by a wide river with shallow and crystal-clear waters that would show the river floor. The latter was covered in a great variety of colourful stones, just like in an impressionist picture.
"The best way to hide something, is doing that out in the open. Oalif, switch on the camouflage panels as soon as we disembark. And thank you, you've been great." Ulica , the Eumenide complimented him,.
"This place is incredible. Once you venture inside, the surrounding fog disappears and the KIC 8462852 rays begin warming up the atmosphere as if it was summer." noticed Zàira from Oria as soon as she landed.
"Hurry up. We have little time to find a shelter before twilight. Mastigo will not leave us with a lot of time to find the monastery" ordered Xam from the Sixth Planet, who was the fourth member of the group.
"Let's venture along the river." suggested Zàira." The forest that surrounds it will cover us while we pick the most convenient route."
They ventured into the forest. Xam and Zàira were leading the way whilst Ulica was finding the right route in order to reach a Bonobian village. There they were planning to rest and find more information on the Nativ monastery, their main target.
Xam, the warrior from the Sixth Planet, was a human who had stood out during the war for his bravery and humanity.
He was a tall, chiselled young man. He had fair skin and short, curly, black hair. His full lips were hidden by a thick, curly beard. On top of his skinny trousers, he was wearing a highly technological multifunction belt that was designed by his people in order to get the best in life or death situations. The rest of his body was covered in a gel used by Sixthians to maintain a stable body temperature in any weather condition.
Zàira, who was his peer, came from Oria, the planet with the minimised atmosphere. A dark, natural armour covered her body, starting from the top of her forehead and stretching out along her back up to her tail: it was the trait of the ethnicity. A short and thick fuzz covered the rest of her body, except her human-like face in which two wonderful grey-green eyes stood out. On her forehead, to the sides of the armour she had two long locks of white hair that she would usually tie up in a braid up to the shoulders.
Ulica, the youngest among the four, was a high-level science and a mathematician from Eumenide. She was as classy and elegant like a butterfly. Her body was covered in a transparent aquamarine natural veil that looked like wings of a butterfly.
By opening up her arms, her wings would spread wide open and let her glide. They were curled up and eased down on the back of her hands. They almost looked like a henna tattoo: fine, silky strips that would stretch out and be used either as a lasso or a whip.
The quest lasted longer than usual because of the malfunction of the tracking device caused by some odd effects that were happening in the instrumentation in the Sea of Silence. That unexpected event made them get away from the right route along the lake and caused a few days delay in their plan.
After they had realised the problem, they found themselves retracing their steps and ran along the stream until they saw a clearing. Their eyes perceived a series of small huts arranged in circles. At the centre there was a perch used to cook wild game. The walls were built out of giant, bamboo trunks that had been tied together and sealed with mud and shredded grass. The roofs were made out of palm leaves weaved together. At the tip there was a hole that was used like a fireplace, which was covered by a further cone-shaped structure.
With their great surprise they realised that the village was closer to the landing spot than expected.
Upon seeing the strangers, all the inhabitants fled, hiding themselves in their huts. They almost looked like pool balls being hit by a cue ball at the beginning of the game.
They found themselves in front of one of the last Bonobian tribes that had not given into the Anics by finding shelter in such a hostile place.
The four did not manage, however, to go unnoticed. After a few seconds warriors armed with spears showed up in front of them.
"We come in peace." Xam said quickly.
"We also want peace." stated the most pot-bellied warrior, who looked like the boss.
"For this reason, we want you to leave!"
"We're not looking for trouble. But we need your help. Oalif talked about your courage."