On the Animal Trail. Baptiste Morizot

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On the Animal Trail - Baptiste Morizot

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      1  Cover

      2  Title Page

      3  Copyright

      4  Acknowledgements

      5  Preface by Vinciane Despret ‘Where are we going tomorrow?’ Forms of invisibility: ‘You cannot exist without leaving traces’ Geopolitics: ‘Tracking is the art of investigating the art of inhabiting practised by other living beings’ ‘We can change metaphysics only by changing practices’ ‘A possible detour to get us back home’ Notes

      6  Preamble: Enforesting oneself Notes

      7  Chapter One: The signs of the wolf Notes

      8  Chapter Two: A single bear standing erect On the trail of the grizzly Giving meaning to fear A dagger on the chest The politeness of the wild The lesson of fear Piecing together a myth In our place Notes

      9  Chapter Three: The patience of the panther Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 7 Intermingled days The virtue of patience The animal ancestralities of humans The animal art of living Day 12 Notes

      10  Chapter Four: The discreet art of tracking An art of thinking An art of sharing signs An art of self-transformation An art of seeing the invisible An art of living together Notes

      11  Chapter Five: Earthworm cosmology Notes

      12  Chapter Six: The origin of investigation The evolution of intelligence Seeing what is no longer there From empathy to imagination An exaptation of tracking skills The origin of the existential motive of the quest An origin of public affairs Notes

      13  Credits

      14  End User License Agreement


      1  Cover

      2  Table of Contents

      3  Title Page

      4  Copyright

      5  Acknowledgements

      6  Preface by Vinciane Despret

      7  Begin Reading

      8  Index

      9  End User License Agreement


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