Reconstructing Earth's Climate History. Kristen St. John
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1 Corals are a marine paleoclimate archive, but they share some characteristics with tree ring archives and speleothem archives. Provide at least one similarity for each:Similarity with tree rings:Similarity with speleothems:
2 Go to the supplemental resources to watch videos and read a short article on the coral coring process. Make a list of the challenges of obtaining coral cores for paleoclimate research and the strategies scientists use to overcome these challenges.ChallengesSolutions
3 Starfish and worms can attach and burrow through the coral surface. How might this action affect the quality of the paleoclimate record that a coral can provide?
4 Go to the supplemental resources and read the USGS article on Corals as Climate Indicators. How are the coral cores prepared for sampling once the cores arrive in the lab?
5 The composition of the skeletal structure of corals can contain trace elements including magnesium, strontium, and barium (Mg, Sr, and Ba, respectively), which substitute for some of the Ca in the chemical formula of aragonite (CaCO3). Studies of modern corals show that the relative proportion of these trace elements to the proportion of Ca depends on the temperature of seawater in which the coral is living.Look at an online periodic table of the elements. Why would it make sense that Mg, Sr, and Ba can substitute for Ca in the aragonite formula? (Hint: what do Ca, Sr, Mg, and Ba all have in common?)What is the value of having coral records that can be linked to contemporaneous instrumental sea surface temperatures?How would such records be useful for deciphering past coral data?
FIGURE 1.8. Scientific research vessel, JOIDES Resolution.
Source: Credit: William Crawford, IODP/TAMU,
Ocean Sediments
The JOIDES Resolution (Figure 1.8) is one of the vessels designed to obtain core from below the seafloor. Use readings and videos in the supplemental resources to learn about scientific ocean drilling. In particular, take a virtual tour of this ship and watch short videos on the coring process.
1 How are vessels used for scientific ocean drilling specially outfitted to enable them to recover cores from below the seafloor?The map in Figure 1.9 shows all of the drill site locations from the 50+ year history of scientific ocean drilling expeditions. At each of these drill site locations, several holes may have been drilled and tens to hundreds of cores, each planned to be 9.5 m long, recovered. To more easily carry and store the cores, each is cut into 1.5‐m sections (Figures 1.5 and 1.10). The core sections are also split length‐wise into two halves – a working half, which is used in sampling, and an archive half, which is used for nondestructive analyses and for core photography (Figure 1.11). In total, there are currently >40 000 m of core recovered from below the seafloor, and > 2.3 million samples taken of specific cm‐long intervals of the core sections. To keep so many samples organized for scientific research, it is important that each sample has a unique and meaningful identification code.FIGURE 1.9. Scientific ocean drilling site locations of the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP; 2013–2021) and predecessor programs, the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP; 2003–2013), the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP; 1928–2003), and the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP; 1968–1983). From:
2 Think about marine core samples. How could you ensure a unique identification for each sample so that you knew exactly where in the subseafloor it came from? What are the essential pieces of information needed?FIGURE 1.10. Example of coring and core terminology (from ODP Leg [i.e. Expedition] 199 Initial Reports Volume, Explanatory Notes: http://www‐
3 The standard labeling for ocean drilling samples is shown in Figure 1.10.Deconstruct the sample identification “199‐1215A‐2H‐5, 80‐85” by filling in the blanks below:Leg____ Site_____ Hole____ Core____ Section ____ Centimeter interval ________.Place an X on Figure 1.11 marking the location of this sample.Science requires both qualitative skills and quantitative skills. In questions 23–27, you will quantify some of the costs (with respect to time and money) involved in obtaining sediment cores from below the seafloor.
4 Expedition (Leg) 199 began in Honolulu, Hawaii on 28 October 2001. The JOIDES Resolution left port at 0830 hours on 28 October and transited 1158 km to the first drilling location, Site 1215, arriving at 2100 hours on 30 October 2001. What was the average rate of travel (i.e. speed) during transit in km/hr? Convert this value to miles/hr. Show your work, including conversion.FIGURE 1.11. Photo of the archive‐half of Core 2 from Hole 1215A, located in the central tropical Pacific Ocean. The sections of the core are laid out next to each other, left to right. Section 1 of Core 2 is at the top of the drilled interval, and the core catcher (CC) is at the bottom of the cored interval. The shipboard paleontologists took a sample (PAL) from the base of the core catcher to provide a preliminary age determination for Core 2. Site 1215 was cored during Ocean Drilling Program Leg (i.e. Expedition) 199. Note that an interstitial water sample (IW) was taken from the bottom of Section 3. Photo from:
5 Site 1215 was planned for 57.5 hours of drilling during Expedition 199. During this time, they were able to drill 75.4 m into the seafloor at a single location (Hole 1215A). What was the average drilling rate (m/hr) for Hole 1215A? Show your work.
6 While they drilled 75.4 m into the seafloor at Hole 1215A, they only recovered 68.27 m of core. What was the percent core recovery for Hole 1215A? Propose a hypothesis to explain why core recovery would be less than the maximum drill depth.
7 A typical ocean drilling expedition lasts ~60 days and costs ~$6 million. At Hole 1215A on ODP Leg 199, 68.74 m of core were obtained during the 57.5 hours of drilling. What is the cost of 1 m of core from Hole 1215A? Show your work.
8 Sometimes scientific ocean drilling and NASA space exploration are compared because these are both large‐scale, technologically dependent programs that are designed to help teams of scientists unravel the history of Earth and our solar system by exploring in remote and challenging settings. Compare the cost of obtaining a core from the seafloor to the cost of obtaining rocks from the moon:The Apollo 11 mission cost $355 million in 1969. Approximately 21.8 kg of moon rock were obtained on this successful and historic mission to the moon. What was the cost of 1 kg of moon rock in