The Life of the Author: John Milton. Richard Bradford

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The Life of the Author: John Milton - Richard  Bradford

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did so as a chorister or a student: he did not receive a degree. In any event it is likely that in Oxford John witnessed the disputations that attended the new theology of Protestantism, then in England barely fifty years old. One day after John had returned to the family home, Richard discovered his son in his room reading that symbolic testament to Anglicanism, the Bible in English. Quarrels between father and son intensified, with the eventual result that in the early 1580s John was disinherited and left Oxfordshire for London, never to return, nor as far as is known to communicate again with Richard.

      Figure 1.1 City of London and original St Paul’s Cathedral before the Great Fire. Bread Street, where Milton grew up, would have been in the foreground between the Cathedral and the Thames.Source: Mayson Beeton Collection.

      John senior planned for his son a conventional route to success via the educational channels that had been denied to himself. When Milton was ten his father hired for him a private tutor called Thomas Young, a graduate of St Andrews University. Two years later John was admitted to St Paul’s School, an esteemed institution adjacent to the Cathedral and only a few minutes’ walk from Bread Street. Five years after that, aged sixteen, he would matriculate as an undergraduate at Christ’s College, Cambridge, and enjoy the decent status of a ‘lesser pensioner’, meaning that his father was wealthy enough to pay for modest privileges and accommodation in college.

      Martin Luther had initiated the Protestant break with Rome, but it was John Calvin, a Geneva theologian, who had created the most radical branch of Protestant theology. His Institutions of Christian Religion (1535) became the benchmark for division. In it he proposed a complex theological, indeed philosophical thesis. Essentially, Calvinism was founded upon the tenet of predestination. God has

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