Иисус. Все мировые исследования. Сборник
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JSJSup Дополнения к изданию: Journal for the Study of Judaism
JSNT Journal for the Study of the New Testament
JSNTSup Journal for the Study of the New Testament: Supplement Series
JSOT Journal for the Study of the Old Testament
JSOTSup Journal for the Study of the Old Testament: Supplement Series
JSP Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha
JSPSup Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha: Supplement Series
JSS Journal of Semitic Studies
JTS Journal of Theological Studies
KEK Kritisch-exegetischer Kommentar über das Neue Testament (Meyer-Kommentar)
KNT Kommentar zum Neuen Testament
KS Kirjath-Sepher
KTU Die keilalphabetischen Texte aus Ugarit. Ed. M. Dietrich, O. Loretz, and J. Sanmartin. AOAT 24/1. Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 1976
LCL Loeb Classical Library
LCPM Letture cristiane del primo millennio
LD Lectio divina
LDSS Literature of the Dead Sea Scrolls
LEC Library of Early Christianity
LG Land of Galilee
LHB/OTS Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies
LJS Lives of Jesus Series
LNTS Library of New Testament Studies (formerly JSNTSup)
LQ Lutheran Quarterly
LSJ H. G. Liddell, R. Scott, and H. S. Jones, A Greek-English Lexicon. 9th ed. with revised supplement. Oxford: Clarendon, 1996
MBCBSup Mnemosyne Bibliotheca Classica Batava Supplement
MilS Milltown Studies
MW The Muslim World
MNTS McMaster New Testament Studies
MTS Marburger theologische Studien
NA27 Novum Testamentum Graece, Nestle-Aland, 27th ed.
NAWG Nachrichten (von) der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Gцttingen
NCB New Century Bible Commentary
NCBC New Cambridge Bible Commentary
NEAEHL The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land. Ed. Ephraim Stern. 5 vols. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993
NEchtB/NT Neue Echter Bibel-Kommentar zum Neuen Testament mit der Einheitsübersetzung
Neot Neotestamentica
NGS New Gospel Studies
NHC Nag Hammadi Codices
NHMS Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies
NHS Nag Hammadi Studies
NIBCNT New International Biblical Commentary on the New Testament
NICNT New International Commentary on the New Testament
NIDB New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible. Ed. Katharine Doob Sakenfeld. 5 vols. Nashville: Abingdon, 2006–2009
NIGTC New International Greek Testament Commentary
NJahrb Neue Jahrbücher für das klassische Altertum
NovT Novum Testamentum
NovTSup Supplements to Novum Testamentum
NRSV New Revised Standard Version
NTAbh Neutestamentliche Abhandlungen
NTC The New Testament in Context
NTD Das Neue Testament Deutsch
NTGTJC New Testament Gospels in Their Judaic Contexts
NTL New Testament Library
NTM New Testament Monographs
NTOA Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus
NTR New Testament Readings
NTS New Testament Studies
NTTS New Testament Tools and Studies
NVBS New Voices in Biblical Studies
OBO Orbis biblicus et orientalis
OCD The Oxford Classical Dictionary. Ed. Simon Hornblower and Antony Spawforth. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996
OEANE The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East. Ed. Eric M. Meyers. 5 vols. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997
OED Oxford English Dictionary. Ed. J. A. Simpson. 2nd ed. Oxford: Clarendon, 1989
OMS Oxbow Monograph Series
OrChr Oriens christianus
Ost Ostkirchliche Studien
OTL Old Testament Library
PEQ Palestine Exploration Quarterly
PG Patrologia graeca (= Patrologiae cursus completus: Series graeca). Ed. J.-P. Migne. 162 vols. Paris: Migne, 1857–1886
PJB Palästinajahrbuch
PL Patrologia latina (= Patrologiae cursus completus: Series Latina). Ed. J.-P. Migne. 217 vols. Paris: Migne, 1844–1864
POC Proche-Orient Chrétien
PRR Princeton Readings in Religions
PRSt Perspectives in Religious Studies
PSB Princeton Seminary Bulletin
PTMS Pittsburgh Theological Monograph Series
PTSDSSP Princeton Theological Seminary Dead Sea Scrolls Project
PW A. F. Pauly, Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft. Ed. Georg Wissowa. New ed. 49 vols. Munich: Druckenmüller, 1980
Qad Qadmoniot
QD Quaestiones disputatae
RAp Revue apologétique
RB Revue biblique