Zero emotions and psychology in the military style…. Alexander Nikolaevich Borodin
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31. The range of definition of progress in any country is a high standard of living in it.
32. Who are complex people and why do few people need them? Why do some serve in a foreign legion, work in" G coal", while others use alcohol and drugs? N otomu that they have what is not in others (what is considered to be positive) and at the opposite n are none that have etc. in g of (what is considered to be negative).
33. To survive in a poor country, you need to have to do certain moral and professional qualities, and it does not have, or have, but at least what is called a nuisance to live weaknesses and how to show some of the events it is sometimes rather applies to rich countries, there FIW do vocalist one BANNER a string of a musical group who lived in a country with a high standard of living by conventional standards and committed suicide.
34. The ideal psyche is when it doesn’t «blow the roof off» from life, when life doesn’t drive you crazy, you don’t use alcohol and drugs. Perfect mental schi thawed something when you forget everything that is called negative (the one who hurt you and do not feel sorry for someone hurt you), when you do not inspire you too hard than «gruzanut» when it is not to anyone not emotionally become attached, when a soldier on the battlefield or like a prisoner in prison you live for one day without making plans for more than a year or even less, and when there is some kind of passion that does not interfere with life, for example, for science. Passions can be divided into those that promote survival and those that are opposed to survival.
F ilm of magic tablet, which may be called populariser tranquilizers «darkness FIELD» (Limitless), US, Mexico, 2011, director Neil Burger.
By the way, as already mentioned or will be said, a very large percentage of what is called alcoholism and drug addiction comes from fears, from depression, that is, from what are called neuroses and phobias. Some people, instead of the necessary information settings and instead of medicines, in order to feel comfortable and calm, use, for example, vodka (ethanol) or heroin as a medicine and unnecessary information settings, not knowing that there are necessary information settings and approximate medical analogues of what they use, capable of removing fears, while these medical analogues are not accompanied by withdrawal symptoms, there are no such «side effects».
Attention: some psychiatrists and narcologists (mainly those who practice the so-called «coding») do not tell their patients that there is a sedative (tranquilizers) and sleeping pills to solve their problems, most likely this is due to the fact that psychiatrists and narcologists have interest to earn on the so-called «coding» from alcoholism, etc. As the doctors themselves say, you need to find a decent doctor. It’s like with lawyers, there are decent lawyers who will try to stop a criminal or administrative case before going to court, there are those who will definitely do so that the case does not end before the trial, but ends up in court so that you can earn more money on the client.
Cure for phobias, neurosis and depression, or rather the information that serves as a cure for neuritis eskers, phobias and depression, as well as their consequences in the form of alcohol and drugs need to always look at the others, those who feel comfortable without chemical psihostimulya tori, they will tell you why they are and it needs to be adopted. In addition to the information drug has drug medication in the form of a sedative «ì» «elenium» (perhaps they have a nyaty of production and there are already more modern counterparts) and sleeping pills such as" With Nexia» or «Zopiclone-LF».
ATTENTION: all medications specified in this material should be taken only after consulting a doctor! Mentioning of medicinal products by the author is not propaganda of their use, it is just information!
As an informational medicine against fear, there can be an attitude that sooner or later everyone will die anyway, so there is no point in being afraid to do what needs to be done in order to survive. You get to know the opposite sex, speak on the podium and no stupor, anyway everyone will die sooner or later, it is pointless to be afraid, to be ashamed of someone, since he and you will sooner or later cease to exist, it makes sense to be ashamed or afraid of someone if this someone sooner or late as everything will become as it sounds unpleasant corpse. Do just what you need, satisfy the need for communication without dissonance between fears and desires, without fear of social censure (you yourself can act as a censurer of someone, invent and promote your morality).
But we must not forget that there may be needs, including needs in communication with certain people, that run counter to the principles of survival or that may in the future run counter to the principles of survival because of the personality of these people, for example, communication with certain people of the opposite sex or with those who are called friends. Those who feel comfortable without friends, without the opposite sex, without alcohol, without drugs, without the Internet are considered independent. There can be different things in life, you can get to places where these qualities of independence can play a decisive role and such places: prison, army, etc., places where you need to experience hardships, but if you have no needs, then there will be no hardships as such, therefore, in order to survive, you need to reduce needs.
And one more interesting thing revealed in the course of observation: people do not have the so-called borderline mental disorders in the form of anxiety and panic disorder, depression have almost no abstin en tnyh syndromes (» brittle»), in a least pronounced. In such people there after the abolition of alcohol (ethanol) or drug panic attacks, fears and depressions («comedown»), which are those who have the above symptoms.
In short, as a rule, people who are called courageous (unemotional) do not become alcoholics and drug addicts after using alcohol or drugs. There are too nervous and whether the so-called suggestible people have great s chances to become one called a drug addict or an alcoholic, and their problems may be associated not only with drugs and alcohol, they can bude t Mans ipulirovat in many cases, because they say so fit for this in their moral qualities. They usually refer to the so-called «stuck» personalities, so they fall in love and get stuck on other phenomena that are not conducive to a comfortable existence and survival. They can be manipulated by people of the opposite sex, organizations called sects, some psychics, some fortune-tellers, some politicians and many others. For example, it is enough for an inspired person to say while eating mushrooms that among what he eats there are poisonous mushrooms and he will immediately have a panic, it is such people who are a gift for those who are called manipulators. Therefore, traditionally people impressionable (as they are called) and inspires you need to remember that they will be have an interest manipulators or if you use the «meme s», «sisichniki» looking for who to suck in the material sense, who wants to become a household state employees, for this they have a number of tools, for example, dress sexually when it comes to a person of the opposite sex, etc. Moreover, the paradox is that, as a rule, those who manipulate are similar to the people they manipulate, they are usually also impressionable, may have borderline mental disorders, it is because of this that they did not find themselves in life and became manipulators. It turns out that both the manipulated and the manipulated by him are similar in their psychological constitution to each other.
Let’s go back to psychiatrists and tranquilizers. As a rule, tranquilizers have the same effect or almost the same (depending on the power of the tranquilizer) as alcohol or drugs, but at the same time they do not have such «side effects» as from alcohol or drugs, tranquilizers for this are created to damage the psyche and for the internal organs during and after the end of their intake was minimal, and the positive