Уильям Блейк в русской культуре (1834–2020). Вера Сердечная

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Уильям Блейк в русской культуре (1834–2020) - Вера Сердечная

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был совершенно незнаком Колриджу до этого времени, хотя тот вращался в гуще национальной культурной жизни с 1790-х годов. Причины малой известности Блейка состояли в том числе в его низком, ремесленном происхождении, в том, что он не попал в Королевскую Академию художеств [Erle, Paley, Introduction, 2019, 4], в причастности к религиозному движению диссентеров и в том, что гравер оставался низшей профессией в иерархии художественных занятий [Wiliams, 2006, 2–3].

      Вместе с тем определенный интерес у современников Блейк вызывал – правда, больше не как поэт или художник, но как занятная личность, полусумасшедший или вполне сумасшедший духовидец, о котором можно было рассказывать анекдоты. В той или иной мере в этом духе писали о Блейке все современники: Бенджамин Малкин [Malkin, 1806], Джон Томас Смит [Smith, 1828], Аллан Каннингем [Cunningham, 1830] и Генри Крэбб Робинсон [Robinson, 1869].

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      «that critical category has now disappeared from view».


      «the word 'romantic' has come to mean so many things that, by itself, it means nothing. It has ceased to perform the function of a verbal sign».


      «Certainly those writers that are now thought of as a part of a Romantic movement in Britain never thought of themselves as such».


      «And from these beginnings or causes <…> that <…> mode of imagination arose, which at length composed the marvelous machineries of the more sublime Italian poets, and of their disciple Spencer».


      «He who seeks to define Romanticism is entering a hazardous occupation which has claimed many victims».


      «A fruitful source of false definition is to take as primary in a more or less closely allied group of facts what is actually secondary – for example, to fix upon the return to the Middle Ages as the central fact in romanticism, whereas this return is only symptomatic; it is very far from being the original phenomenon».


      «Romanticism as a problem might appear to be captured in the received historical narration of an initially post-enlightenment reaction against universalizing systems – the reduction of the world to so many units determined in advance – followed by recognition that the imagination's violence and chaos requires some forming of limits».


      «I must Create a system, or be enslav'd by another Mans».


      «failed Romantic <…> the Enlightenment dissolved around him, but he retreated in fear to an early sixteenth-century position».


      «modern poetry, in English, is the invention of Blake and Wordsworth».


      «1. Man has no Body distinct from his Soul for that calld Body is a portion of Soul discernd by the five Senses. the chief inlets of Soul in this age.

      2. Energy is the only life and is from the Body and Reason is the bound or outward circumference of Energy.

      3. Energy is Eternal Delight» [Blake, 1988, 34].


      «If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is: infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro' narrow chinks of his cavern» [Blake, 1988, 39].


      «The worship of God is. Honouring his gifts in other men each according to his genius. and loving the greatest men best, those who envy or calumniate great men hate God, for there is no other God» [Blake, 1988, 43].


      «Thus men forgot that All deities reside in the human breast» [Blake, 1988, 38].


      «Jesus & his Apostles & Disciples were all Artists».


      «Prayer is the study of Art.


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