A Companion to the Achaemenid Persian Empire, 2 Volume Set. Группа авторов

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A Companion to the Achaemenid Persian Empire, 2 Volume Set - Группа авторов

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is attested in Cyprus even before the Persian period, and it is largely independent from the incidental political situation (the Achaemenid domination over the island), but it is the result of a wide and deep circulation of luxury items, values, and ideologies between elites. Hence, connecting Persian influences on Cypriot arts to the Achaemenid control of the island is misleading, and contributes to hide other channels, such as Phoenician or Ionian art, which are, in the case of Cyprus, of the greatest relevance.

      Cypriot elites, the purchasers of the great statues that populated the urban and extra‐urban sanctuaries of the island, wished to be represented with royal or noble attributes which were normally taken from the Egyptian and Persian repertoire (Satraki 2013): the Egyptian double‐crown with uraeus of a limestone head from the Persian siege ramp of Palaepaphos (now in the Liverpool Museum, KA730) is a mark of kingship (Maier 1989b), as is the mitra, which A. Hermary has identified on a limestone head of the Louvre museum (AM 2835; Hermary 1989b: p. 223), but which is often represented even on smaller terracotta figurines (Hermary 1989a: pp. 180–181; Cannavò 2010: p. 63 note 71 with references; Satraki 2013: p. 132). The mixed, hybridized character of these figures, putting together Persian, Egyptian, Assyrian, and Greek elements, is particularly evident, and they have been described as an “écho hellénisé de l’image du Grand Roi ou de hauts personnages de l’empire achéménide” (Hermary 1989a: p. 181).

Photo depicts the obverse of a gold stater of king Pnytagoras of Salamis.

      Source: Reproduced by permission of Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation.

Photo depicts silver obol of king Euagoras II of Salamis.

      Source: Reproduced by permission of Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation.

      Nevertheless, the lack of any sculptural representation of figures adorned with such jewels – omega‐shaped bracelets and torques (the torque on the limestone statuette described in Zournatzi 1989 is uncertain) – suggests the greatest caution in what concerns the actual diffusion of such luxury objects in Cyprus. The unique representation of a torque on Salaminian numismatic issues could indeed suggest that this was actually considered, on such an occasion, as a kind of status symbol, denoting the legitimacy of the royal power. The possible identification of the Salaminian king represented on the most ancient issues with Evagoras II acting as a “satrap,” better as a military officer of Artaxerxes in 351, is tempting: with coins representing him on the right side as a satrap, and on the left side as a truly Cypriot king, whose authority is granted by the Achaemenid torque, Evagoras II expressed his will to regain Salamis as its legitimate ruler (Markou 2006: pp. 143–146).

      The Persian impact on the political and economic structure of Cyprus was certainly not negligible, but it seems to have been generally indirect and mild. As the Achaemenid authorities were interested in maintaining the local balance of regional powers, which they considered as the best manner in which to assess their super‐regional control, they did not interfere, at least not exceptionally, in internal Cypriot affairs, leaving Cypriot civilization to develop along its own patterns. But, largely independent from its political predominance, Achaemenid civilization, especially through luxury and status symbol artifacts, spread throughout the eastern Mediterranean basin, becoming a reference for aristocracies and elites of a wide and diversified area, including Asia Minor, the Levant, and Cyprus. Achaemenid influences entered Cyprus through a variety of paths, some of them direct (occasional presence of Persian agents; diplomatic exchanges; Cypriot participation in Persian military enterprises), others indirect (Ionian sculpture; Syrian and Phoenician art).

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