CASP+ CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner Practice Tests. Nadean H. Tanner
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To my husband, no one I'd rather quarantine with.
To my children, who will never read this book.
To Kenyon Brown, for trusting me to do this again.
To Kelly Talbot, for gently reminding me of deadlines.
To Ryan Hendricks, your turn!
—Nadean H. Tanner
About the Author
Nadean H. Tanner is the manager of Consulting – Education Services at FireEye/Mandiant, working most recently on building real-world cyber-range engagements to practice threat hunting and incident response. She has been in IT for more than 20 years and specifically in cybersecurity for over a decade. She holds over 30 industry certifications, including CompTIA CASP+, Security+, and (ISC)2 CISSP.
Tanner has trained and consulted for Fortune 500 companies and the U.S. Department of Defense in cybersecurity, forensics, analysis, red/blue teaming, vulnerability management, and security awareness.
She is the author of Cybersecurity Blue Team Toolkit, published by Wiley in 2019, and CASP+ Practice Tests: Exam CAS-003, published by Sybex in 2020. She also was the technical editor for CompTIA Security+ Study Guide: Exam SY0-601 (Sybex, 2021) and CompTIA PenTest+ Study Guide: Exam PT0-002 (Sybex, 2021), both written by Mike Chapple and David Seidl.
In her spare time, Tanner enjoys speaking at technical conferences such as Black Hat, Wild West Hacking Fest, and OWASP events.
About the Technical Editor
Ryan Hendricks (CISSP, CEH, CASP+, Security+) has more than 16 years of cybersecurity and intelligence experience. His first venture started while working intelligence operations for the U.S. Navy and then continued in the government and private sector as an educator, facilitator, consultant, and adviser on a multitude of information technology and cybersecurity principles.
Hendricks holds many certifications covering hardware, networking, operating systems, and cybersecurity. He worked as a trainer for the U.S. Department of Defense, educating hundreds of students on everything from military communication systems to the CompTIA CASP+ and (ISC)2 CISSP certifications.
Hendricks is a staff architect and manager at VMware. He currently supports all technical content creation for the VMware Carbon Black portfolio and additional VMware Security products. Additional responsibilities include developing labs, updating materials, piloting and expanding the certification programs, mentoring and managing the security technical content team, and educating anyone who is willing to learn. When not working, Hendricks tries to balance spending his time learning new security tools and attack techniques to feed his need for knowledge and playing video games with his kids.
CASP+ Advanced Security Practitioner Practice Tests is a companion volume to CASP+ Study Guide. If you're looking to test your knowledge before you take the CASP+ exam, this book will help you by providing a combination of 1,000 questions that cover the four CASP+ domains and by including easy-to-understand explanations of both right and wrong answers.
If you're just starting to prepare for the CASP+ exam, we highly recommend that you use CASP+ Study Guide: Exam CAS-004 by Jeff T. Parker to help you learn about each of the domains covered by the CASP+ exam. Once you're ready to test your knowledge, use this book to help find places where you might need to read a chapter again and study more.
Because this is a companion to the CASP+ Study Guide, this book is designed to be similar to taking the CASP+ exam. It contains multipart scenarios as well as standard multiple-choice questions similar to those you will encounter on the certification exam.
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