Tumblr. Crystal Abidin

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Tumblr - Crystal Abidin

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Karp attracted investor enthusiasm and raised capital from the get-go, he was explicit about his focus being less on business and monetization and more on what he called the product. “I didn’t care how the bills got paid, or about facilities or H.R. stuff,” Karp is cited as saying in the New York Times (Walker 2012). Karp’s vision for tumblr seemed to stand on the three pillars of ease of use, design, and creativity. tumblr’s public facing texts (e.g., About page, FAQ, press clippings posted on the site) highlighted simplicity, customizability, interest-driven community, and creative self-expression. tumblr was positioned as making it easy to share “everything you find, love, hate or create” (tumblr 2007), an “effortless” way to “share” and “express yourself,” because “everything” is customizable (tumblr 2008). In 2012, corporate rhetoric shifted toward prioritizing creativity. A “what tumblr is for” segment was added to the Guidelines, stating: “Tumblr celebrates creativity. We want you to express yourself freely and use Tumblr to reflect who you are, and what you love, think, witness, and believe” (tumblr 2012). In 2015, “witness, and believe” was changed to “standing for” but other than that the mission statement has, to date, remained unchanged. The tagline, too, was updated in 2012 to “Follow the world’s creators” and has not been changed since. Karp’s interviews during the period focused on ease of use and creativity. In 2009, he is cited as saying that “the world would be a better place if more people could find, love and create things more easily” (Dannen 2009).

      Karp wanted tumblr to be “a product-orientated company” (Cheshire 2012) like Google or Apple, rather than a social graph-driven one like Facebook, YouTube, or Twitter. Those, he claimed: “are not tools built for creative expression,” adding that “nobody is proud of their identity on Facebook” (Schonfeld 2011). Trade journalists and the experts they interviewed seem largely to accept Karp’s vision of the period – tumblr was typically described by third parties as a stunningly simple, beautifully designed place for intelligent social networking and original self-expression. In terms of business, it was often called an investor darling guided by feeling. This focus on “product” paid off in terms of the site’s popularity with users. Numbers grew rapidly, reaching a point that Karp described as “we made it on the map” by 2010 (Schawbel 2013).

      In May 2013, Karp sold Tumblr Inc. to Yahoo! for US$1.1 billion. In terms of communicating the platform’s vision though, Karp remained true to creativity, maintaining that if they got it right with Yahoo!, tumblr would in five years “be home to the most aspiring and talented creators all over the world” (Lapowski 2013). Marissa Mayer, the CEO of Yahoo!, in turn publicly promised to “not screw it up,” while also emphasizing the potential to bring in more money by selling ads. Under Yahoo!, Karp’s comments on creativity shifted to emphasize creative expression of one’s unique self, on the one hand, but also something enacted by an empowered “creative class” who will change the world (Lapowski 2013), on the other. Increasingly, curation was mentioned as a form of creation. Karp told the BBC that “curation is a new, more accessible way to express yourself” (Mason 2012). In 2014, he said that while other social media platforms are “giant directories of profiles,” tumblr gives people a community where they can be themselves, fulfilling the promise of the internet as “a space where you could really create … an identity that you’re really, truly proud of” (Hamburger 2014). Karp argued that, unlike the “Valley,” where engineers are the shapers of the vision and the experience, tumblr is not interested in data-driven categorization of users, but, instead, instils a mindset that creators, empowered by tumblr, “are going to show us the way” (Hamburger 2014). However, tumblr’s image among trade presses and marketing professionals started to waver. While many stories continued to highlight that tumblr was aesthetically superior and loved by its users, attention was shifting to its revenue-earning potential, as per Mayer’s aim.

      In June 2017, the telcom giant Verizon acquired Yahoo! – and tumblr with it. Later in the same year, it merged Yahoo! with its other acquisition, AOL, renaming the group OATH. Shortly after, tumblr’s founder and “mascot” David Karp announced that he was leaving the company, but he did not confirm whether this latest acquisition was the reason. Karp’s goodbye email further reinforced what tumblr’s vision had been under his tenure, stating that he looks back “with so much pride at a generation of artists, writers, creators, curators, and crusaders that have redefined our culture, and who we have helped to empower” (Menegus 2017).

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