Smith's Elements of Soil Mechanics. Ian Smith
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10 Part III: Advanced Soil Mechanics and Applications Chapter 8: Lateral Earth Pressure 8.1 Earth pressure at rest 8.2 Active and passive earth pressure 8.3 Rankine's theory: granular soils, active earth pressure 8.4 Rankine's theory: granular soils, passive earth pressure 8.5 Rankine's theory: cohesive soils 8.6 Coulomb's wedge theory: active earth pressure 8.7 Coulomb's wedge theory: passive earth pressure 8.8 Surcharges 8.9 Choice of method for determination of active pressure 8.10 Backfill material 8.11 Influence of wall yield on design 8.12 Design parameters for different soil types Chapter 9: Retaining Structures 9.1 Main types of retaining structures 9.2 Gravity walls 9.3 Embedded walls 9.4 Design of retaining structures 9.5 Design of gravity retaining walls 9.6 Design of sheet pile walls 9.7 Braced excavations 9.8 Reinforced soil 9.9 Soil nailing Chapter 10: Bearing Capacity and Shallow Foundations Design 10.1 Bearing capacity terms 10.2 Types of foundation 10.3 Ultimate bearing capacity of a foundation 10.4 Determination of the safe bearing capacity 10.5 The effect of groundwater on bearing capacity 10.6 Developments in bearing capacity equations 10.7 Designing spread foundations to Eurocode 7 (first generation) 10.8 Designing spread foundations to Eurocode 7 (second generation) 10.9 Non‐homogeneous soil conditions 10.10 Estimates of bearing capacity from in situ testing Chapter 11: Pile Foundations 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Classification of piles 11.3 Method of installation 11.4 Pile load testing 11.5 Determination of the bearing resistance of a pile 11.6 Pile groups 11.7 Designing pile foundations to Eurocode 7 (first generation) 11.8 Designing pile foundations to Eurocode 7 (second generation) 11.9 Piles subjected to additional, non‐compressive loadings Exercises Chapter 12: Foundation Settlement and Soil Compression 12.1 Settlement of a foundation 12.2 Immediate settlement 12.3 Consolidation settlement 12.4 Application of consolidation test results 12.5 General consolidation 12.6 Settlement analysis 12.7 Eurocode 7 serviceability limit state 12.8 Stress paths in the oedometer 12.9 Stress path for general consolidation Chapter 13: Rate of Foundation Settlement 13.1 Analogy of consolidation settlement 13.2 Distribution of the initial excess pore pressure, ui