Smith's Elements of Soil Mechanics. Ian Smith

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Smith's Elements of Soil Mechanics - Ian  Smith

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2 43 – – 0.6 39 93 – 0.425 – 78 – 0.300 28 16 – 0.212 – 5 – 0.150 – – 100 0.063 5 2 92

      Soil C: Since more than 10% passed the 63 μm sieve, a pipette analysis was performed. The results were:

Particle size (mm) Percentage passing
0.04 79
0.02 62
0.006 47
0.002 40


      The particle size distribution curves for the three soils are shown in Fig. 1.10. The curves can be used to obtain the following particle sizes for soils A and B.

Soil D10 (mm) D30 (mm) D60 (mm)
A 0.1 0.31 12.0
B 0.26 0.36 0.38

      Soil A: From the grading curve it is seen that this soil consists of 57% gravel and 43% sand and is therefore predominantly gravel. The curve has a horizontal portion indicating that the soil has only a small percentage of soil particles within this range. It is therefore gap graded. Also, Cu = 120.

      The soil is a gap graded sandy GRAVEL.

      Soil B: From the grading curve, it is immediately seen that this soil is a sand with most of its particles about the same size. Also, Cu = 1.5.

      The soil is a uniformly graded SAND.

      Soil C: From the grading curve, it is seen that the soil is a mixture of 10% sand, 50% silt and 40% clay so it is a slightly sandy, very clayey SILT. The liquid limit of the soil = 48% and the plasticity index, (wL − wP) = 19%. Using Fig. 1.9, it is seen that the soil is a silt with the group symbol MI (BS 5930) or SiM (BS EN ISO 14688‐2).

Schematic illustration of the particle size distribution curves for the three soils.

      1.6.2 Description of soils

      Classifying and describing a soil are two operations, which are not necessarily the same. An operator who has not even visited the site from which a soil came can classify the soil from the information obtained from grading and plasticity tests carried out on disturbed samples. Such tests are necessary if the soil is being considered as a possible construction material and the information obtained from them must be included in any description of the soil.

      Further information regarding the colour of a soil, the texture of its particles, etc., can be obtained in the laboratory from disturbed soil samples but a full description of a soil must include its in situ, as well as its laboratory, characteristics. Some of this latter information can be found in the laboratory from undisturbed samples of the soil collected for other purposes, such as strength or permeability tests, but usually not until after the tests have taken place and the samples can then be split open for proper examination. Other relevant information such as bedding details, gravel particle shapes (e.g. angular, rounded, elongated), clay consistency (e.g. soft, firm, stiff) and site observations can also be included in the soil's description.

      In order to study the properties of such a soil mass, it is advantageous to adopt an idealised form of the diagram as shown in Fig. 1.11b. The soil mass has a total volume V and a volume of solid particles equal to Vs. The volume of the voids, Vv is obviously equal to V − Vs.

      1.7.1 Void ratio and porosity

      From a study of Fig. 1.11, the following may be defined:

      Void ratio, e


      Porosity, n


Schematic illustration of cross-section through a granular soil. (a) Actual form. (b) Idealised form.

      1.7.2 Degree of saturation, Sr

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