Smith's Elements of Soil Mechanics. Ian Smith

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Smith's Elements of Soil Mechanics - Ian  Smith

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Hydraulic gradient

      Akin to the equation of a straight line in mathematics, the hydraulic gradient is defined as the difference in vertical values divided by the difference in horizontal values, at the two points considered.



Schematic illustration of difference in hydraulic head between two points.

      In 1856, Darcy showed experimentally that a fluid's velocity of flow through a porous medium is directly related to the hydraulic gradient causing the flow, i.e.


      where i = hydraulic gradient (the head loss per unit length), or


      where C = a constant involving the properties of both the fluid and the porous material.

      In soils, we are generally concerned with water flow, and the constant C is determined from tests in which the permeant is water. The particular value of the constant C obtained from these tests is known as the coefficient of permeability and is given the symbol k. The unit for k is m/s.

      It is important to realise that when a soil is said to have a certain coefficient of permeability, this value only applies to water (at 20 °C). If heavy oil is used as the permeant, the value of C would be considerably less than k. Temperature causes variation in k, but in most soils work this is insignificant.

      Provided that the hydraulic gradient is less than 1.0, as is the case in most seepage problems, the flow of water through a soil is linear and Darcy's law applies, i.e.


      Laboratory tests can be performed to establish the coefficient of permeability for both granular and cohesive soils, and the testing procedures are described in BS EN ISO 17892‐11:2019. The tests involve placing the soil in a cylindrical permeameter, which can take different forms:

       Rigid wall permeameter: standard cylindrical vessel (see Sections 2.5.1 and 2.5.2) or oedometer ring within oedometer cell. (The oedometer test is described in Chapter 12.)

       Flexible wall permeameter: rubber membrane placed around soil and tested in a triaxial cell, under required effective stress conditions. (The triaxial test is described in Chapter 4.)

      In all cases, water is passed through the permeameter and the volume of water passing through the soil in a time interval, together with a measurable hydraulic gradient, can be used to establish the coefficient of permeability. Two of the most well‐established tests are the constant head test (for granular soils) and the falling head test (for cohesive soils).

      2.5.1 Constant head test


      Hence, k can be found from the expression:


      A series of readings can be obtained from each test and an average value of k determined. The test is suitable for gravels and sands, and could be used for many fill materials.

Schematic illustration of the constant head permeameter.

      Example 2.1 Constant head test

      In a constant head permeameter test, the following results were obtained:

       Duration of test = 4.0 min

       Quantity of water collected = 300 ml

       Head difference in manometer = 50 mm

       Distance between manometer tappings = 100 mm

       Diameter of test sample = 100 mm

      Determine the coefficient of permeability in m/s.



      2.5.2 The falling head permeameter

Schematic illustration of the falling head permeameter.

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