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Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies
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В конец
Deep Learning Approaches to Text Production - Shashi Narayan Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies
Linguistic Fundamentals for Natural Language Processing II - Emily M. Bender Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies
Cross-Lingual Word Embeddings - Anders Søgaard Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies
Bayesian Analysis in Natural Language Processing - Shay Cohen Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies
Introduction to Chinese Natural Language Processing - Ruifeng Xu Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies
Natural Language Processing for Social Media - Diana Inkpen Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies
Statistical Significance Testing for Natural Language Processing - Rotem Dror Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies
Natural Language Processing for Social Media - Diana Inkpen Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies
Statistical Significance Testing for Natural Language Processing - Rotem Dror Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies
Deep Learning Approaches to Text Production - Shashi Narayan Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies
Neural Network Methods in Natural Language Processing - Yoav Goldberg Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies
Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining - Bing Liu Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies
Recognizing Textual Entailment - Ido Dagan Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies
Argumentation Mining - Manfred Stede Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies
Quality Estimation for Machine Translation - Lucia Specia Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies
Natural Language Processing for Social Media - Diana Inkpen Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies
Automatic Text Simplification - Horacio Saggion Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies
Syntax-based Statistical Machine Translation - Philip Williams Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies
Domain-Sensitive Temporal Tagging - Jannik Strötgen Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies
Linked Lexical Knowledge Bases - Iryna Gurevych Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies
Metaphor - Tony Veale Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies
Automatic Detection of Verbal Deception - Eileen Fitzpatrick Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies
Semantic Similarity from Natural Language and Ontology Analysis - Sébastien Harispe Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies
Learning to Rank for Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing - Hang Li Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies
Automated Grammatical Error Detection for Language Learners - Claudia Leacock Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies
Linguistic Fundamentals for Natural Language Processing - Emily M. Bender Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies
Ontology-Based Interpretation of Natural Language - Christina Unger Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies
Semi-Supervised Learning and Domain Adaptation in Natural Language Processing - Anders Søgaard Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies
Web Corpus Construction - Roland Schäfer Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies
Computational Modeling of Narrative - Inderjeet Mani Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies
В конец
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