Dragon’s Empire – 2. Goddess for Dragon. Natalie Yacobson

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Dragon’s Empire – 2. Goddess for Dragon - Natalie Yacobson

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of my father. But then I was free, and now I was under the power of my curse. My detached view something startled the robber, armed with a sword and yet he rudely ordered to his accomplice.

      «Check his pockets, quickly!» he told

      «Just look at his hand there is a ring with the emblem,» happily exclaimed the second, eagerly staring at the glittering signet ring. «Is granted to us a curious prince! Infrequently lords favor us with their appearance.»

      The nasty laugh rang, in one hand of a villain flashed a knife blade, and the other reached for the intended victim. In a flash, I slipped out from the corner, the sword barely scratched my forehead. I stopped in front of a stone wall of the next building and turned. The robber took aback glancing at me, and he almost dropped the knife, see how the wound on my temple is rapidly dragged with the new skin. On the hand began to break through the golden scales, nails stretched and sparkled. I did not even try to cast, the transformation happens by itself. The right hand is now much more like the golden gauntlet with long claws of dragon.

      The second sword blow would hit me on the head, but I just ducked and the blade crashed against a stone wall in millimeters from my temple. One severed strand of hair fell on the wet ground and now writhing in clear puddle, like a golden worm.

      Instinctively stretched out my right hand, I slashed with my claws on the neck of disarmed opponent. Blood was gushing from wounds. What will happen now, if someone finds a corpse with traces of the monstrous claws? In a secret society will have every reason to accuse me of a lack of caution.

      I did not even have time to turn back to the second scoundrel. With a cry «Werewolf», the tramp rushed away, but a clawed hand did not allow him a step. Percy said that it is impossible to leave witnesses of our reincarnation from simple travelers in supernatural beings. I dragged the bodies on the pavement and then they fell out of my hands straight into the deep ditch. Even if someone finds the corpses of robbers here, it will decide that they became victims of drunk fights. And scars on the neck? Well, after a few nights, the rat and decomposition will make their job. Nobody will know that the dragon was held on this street. The stones of the bridge will not be able to talk to anyone about the presence of a supernatural being here.

      Moon light fell on my hand. The spectacle caused some surprise even by me. The hand again became smooth, covered with flawless white skin, long fingers with pink nails did not resemble sharp claws.

      Neither dust left on clothes, raindrops were glistened like a scattering of diamonds on a blue raincoat. Now, I could go at least to the ball, and none of the guests could see in my eyes the reflection of the fighting. Not even turning to the scene, I quickly walked away.

      Overcoming a small distance, I felt the presence of another member of a small gang over the distant angle. While two of his senior comrades were not far from the pier, he was hidden in ambush, waiting for call. From his weapon, he had only a folding knife. He did not see me, but he felt the approach of a stranger, because I set a mental contact with him and in several words gave to understand that to contact with a passersby, as I, is too troublesome and dangerous. He still did not leave and even leaned out from behind the corner, wondering to see me, but saw only a dark silhouette.

      «Get out,» I ordered. I did not want to strangle the night robbers as chickens. It was impossible to give Rothbart another reason for the celebration. In addition, the fight occurred not according to the rules of the duel, as I used. Just a predator played cat-and- mouse with the victim. For two robbers, who remembered me, there was no chance to save, but the third who did not watch what was happening could be released. He had already escaped, frightened by a hissing voice and the fact that his comrades were missing.

      I got out of the slums and turned to the central streets and overlooking the moment jumped through the fence of the first mansion that I liked me. The servants put up at the door, did not even ask me for an invitation. Hypnotized, they retreated to the side, and the guests either did not notice me, or took for one of the invited.

      It was interesting for me to watch how the manners and the behavior of noblemen have changed with the time.

      Stopping by the fireplace, I felt a pleasant warmth and at the same time I watched the surrounding. The hall was visible as on the palm. The candles were given little light, but it was immediately noticeable that, compared to past centuries, fashion made a step forward. The ladies became more elegant. There were only lush cascades of flickering satin and ball’s dresses embroidered with pearls. Men’s camisoles also sparkled from jewelry. According to the abundance of gilding and silver on handles’ of swords could be said that this weapon serves only as another decoration, real duels rarely happen, and their participants are deprived of that skill, with what the sword owned my contemporaries.

      I have already started to bore, as suddenly I heard the sounds of a violin, a familiar melody. It was from an open terrace. Boldly moving through the crowd, I stopped next to the glass doors. Among the honeysuckles and rhododendrons, a slim silhouette of a woman in a white light robe was clearly highlighted. I have already seen this violinist. Long ago, near the village, lost among the forests. She stood far from the fire and played. Then only the wolves listened to her music, and the villagers were locked up the windows and doors so that she could not go to them.

      On the moment, dark eyelashes shot up, and I saw bright, blue eyes performed by malice. Did anyone see a strange violinist too?

      Those who passed by, did not even hear her music. I myself watched her no more than a minute, and then a translucent silhouette, as if, dissolved in the thick of the rain. Dancing and fun continued in the hall, guests led casual conversations. Maybe it only seemed to me that in the crowd flashed Camille, combed and laid by curls in the last fashion.

      With the onset of dawn, guests will begin to drive around. I did not want to wander all day through the streets. Each big city has such a place where people are afraid to go. For me, it was not difficult to read someone’s careless thoughts and find out that the only damned place in Roshen is a crypt of one count’s family. The crypt of seven angels, where seven generations of a noble family rest. Duellists, murderers, gamblers who almost ruined the estate that were nearby. I left the ballroom long before the dawn and went there, to the locked on many chains and locks the doors of the crypt.

      Passing by the estate, located near the crypt, I noticed only one lit window. It was on the first floor, low above the ground level and through the open shutters was well visible a girl playing on the harpsichord. Hearing the steps, she shuddered, hastily stood up from her place and closed the window.

      Therefore, even those who live in the estate naively believe that at nights near the crypt walks evil spirits. This time, the superstitious girl was right, from such a guest, as the dragon that transformed into the young man is better to lock the windows and the doors. However, besides me, there were no evil spirits. There were many locks on the doors of the crypt. I was not difficult for me to disrupt them all by several quick movements, but such a maneuver would have drawn attention of citizens. It is always better to act with the mind. Remembering and repeating the necessary spells in a whisper, I just gave a short order and heard the locks with a click open. They did not need the keys, the chains themselves slipped from heavy forged doors, and those in turn with a quiet creak opened, as if inviting me. It cost me to cross through the threshold, as the doors smoothly closed behind me, the chains again littered the door of the iron web, and the locks snapped up, being in former places. I descended down the marble steps. There were the statues of seven angels on the steps. They reminded silent visitors who were sacrificed right here. A few lamps flashed, pointing me the way into the gloomy deep hole.


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