Dragon’s Empire – 2. Goddess for Dragon. Natalie Yacobson

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Dragon’s Empire – 2. Goddess for Dragon - Natalie Yacobson

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disgusting insects. Moss made through the cracks. There was no bench around, so I climbed onto a flat sarcophagus cover to fall asleep right on it. After a long and tedious escape, no bed could seem uncomfortable.

      In the tomb, settled down a few feet underground, it was possible not to fear that the prince would find me. There were no soul around, only spiders were taped in distant corners and two or three bats hung down heads, clinging to the ceiling.

      Must be, the city has already lit the first rays of the sun, but it was cold and dark in the crypt. In a dream, I again saw the spinning-wheel and magical spinners. Then the walls of some kind of fortress and at the window I saw for a moment a strikingly beautiful girl with dark braids, crown-laid on her head and sculptural features of the face. There was an open book before her on the table. The beauty wrote something on a sheet of paper. Only in the last moment before the awakening, I realized that her feather smoothly wrote witchcraft signs. I wanted to warn her from this dangerous classes, talk about the dangerous influence of witchcraft books, but at that instant I woke up and felt someone’s unwanted presence in the crypt.

      There were steps, but not from the side of the stairs, but from a long corner. How could I not notice a secret door. Manual lantern with a ringing dropped onto the marble floor. Even before opening my eyes, I knew who I would see.

      I instantly threw the crumpled raincoat and raised on the elbows. Noticing me, Vincent froze in one place, fearing even to move. Even with such poor lighting, it was possible to notice that Vincent had not almost changed. He even became more attractive, only in large dark eyes there was some embittered expression. He quickly came to his senses. It didn’t even need to ask how he found me, and why he was generally needed to search for an old friend. Vincent pulled out some object from under a wide cape and threw it on an unoccupied sarcophagus cover. In the glare of green light, I saw that this was a black velvet mask.

      «It would be unpleasant to lose forever such a beautiful thing? Is it not true, Mr. Elf?» Vincent asked with sarcasm. I remember the tender nickname, which so loved to call me my brothers and fascinated peasants.

      The poor fellow Vincent hoped that at the first reminder of the past, I was angry. He did not take into account that the former trustful Edwin was now a hardened a magician. Like everyone, he relied only on the impressions of the appearance and did not even try to look deeper into the soul. Although he certainly knew how to read thoughts, because it was not for noting that he was kept for many years in this damned school.

      «I didn’t expect to see you here. Usually, the inveterate adventurer can be found anywhere, but not only in the monastery of the ghosts,» I noticed with a gloomy humor. Vincent was only more angry and even clenched fists. He measured the narrow passage between the rows of sarcophagus and looked at my side with uncomplicated hatred.

      «Why are you?» He finally blurted out. Why is the power about what dreamed all the students of the school of witchcraft, namely yours? The prince was supposed to choose me, I waited for so many years to triumph. I tried so hard to achieve heights at least at school, and everything went to someone who had never had to take himself by reading the book. After all, you did not know anything, except for fighting skills, while you lived in the father’s castle.»

      «Perhaps if you spent less time to swindle, and more to study, then, indeed, you could achieve some heights,» said I.

      «How can you say that, Edwin,» Vincent squeezed his fists with such force that the nails were dug in the palms, and there was blood on the skin. «While you are alive, I can not become a leading light. There are too many books of witchcraft. For me to open your secrets, it’s like looking for a needle in a haystack. I’m just the second after you.»

      «If not the last,» I quickly corrected. He was again in anger.

      «For sure, I forgot about your patron. In second place is he, I am on the third,» as if apologizing, Vincent muttered.

      «My patron?» I asked with surprise.

      «Well, yes, prince,» Vincent explained, neither a little doubting in his own right.

      I almost broke into a bitter laugh. Rothbart is my patron, it was quite incredible.

      «You are mistaken,» I sincerely assured him.

      «Am I mistaken?» Vincent was in a rage. «He introduced you to the Higher Society, now all these immortal creations tremble in front of you. I know everything. I’m not so easy to fool, although you learned very sincerely to lie.»

      I tried not to pay attention to how familiar Vincent appeals to me. While I was a prince, he talked with me much more respectfully. After all, then I did not have success in the witchcraft field, and Vincent had no reason to be angry with me, but now he was supervised by the black envy.

      It was difficult not to notice that Vincent is wearing a high, deaf collar, fully hiding the throat before the chin. On a hot day it could seem strange, but in the tomb was too cold. Vincent resembled very much a nyx or an elf, a little grew stupid over time, but still charming. The impression was spoiled only evil, feverishly glittered eyes. Many years ago, their expression was completely different.

      «I see, you have not achieved success in your sea travel. That’s right, I did then not go with you,» I decided to tease him a little.

      «It is very difficult to achieve success alone. I did not have such a patron, like some. There was not even an accomplice who would never fail me. I am worthy than others, but everything in life is given me with great difficulty.

      «Your life was supposed to end a couple of centuries ago,» I wanted to say, but I decided to give him the opportunity to speak out.

      «It always turns out that everything is easier for the lazy royal son,» he was obviously exhausted by his eloquence, leaned tiredly against the column.

      «Why did you come?» Finally I asked.

      «To express everything that I think about you,» he answered. «You have no right to overheard other people’s conversations and spoil my plans.»

      «So the lord drove you away?»

      Realizing that the question is rhetorical, Vincent only pursued his lips.

      «There should be at least a bit of honesty in you,» after a short silence he grunted.

      «You would not prevent to keep caution, then you would not appeal to anyone’s honesty. You twice allowed me to overhear the conversation about your plans.»

      «Twice?» Vincent was alerted.

      «The first time you were too passionate to notice anyone presence. You so skillfully praised your talent to cook poisons that it seemed to convince yourself in the fact that you have the right to be called an evil genius.»

      Vincent was staring at me, then he knocked himself with his palm on the forehead, and whispered quietly:

      «So what’s the matter!»

      «Today you kicks against the pricks. Doors are locked. Here in the crypt, we are alone. Even if the townspeople suddenly open the doors and notice the disappearance of your eminent person and then find your body, torn by the dragon claws, it will attract only terrible legends that walk around this place. By their opinion, you will turn into another unfortunate sacrifice

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