Mechanic. LaaiA

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Mechanic - LaaiA

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up mildly.

      Varya hurriedly rushed behind her with a pile of towels.

      – Niko, don’t bother! Do something useful. Heat some water. Dinara will help you!

      Varya kicked the door to my mom’s chamber with her foot – and again there was a scream. But not so loud.

      Mom realized that I was at the door and, apparently, she restrained herself so as not to frighten me. In the street, the noise increased. The thunderstorm became worse. Dinah pushed me on the shoulder.

      – Let’s go. Come on! – She commanded.

      I almost rolled down the stairs when another thunder shook the walls of the house. A flash of lightning came streaming with blinding light in through all the windows that weren’t shuttered.

      Dinah staggered back.

      – Why should I heat the water? – I didn’t understand.

      He grabbed two clean wooden buckets from the stove and put one under the tap.

      – Well, of course you didn’t understand. It’s for your sister and mother. The water is needed to wash them after the childbirth. You should listen open-mouthed and carry the water!

      Dinah grabbed the buckets from my hands and poured the water into the pots. She threw coal into the stove and tied her skirts. I could hardly hold a laugh, she looked so ridiculous. She looked like a goose, only her neck should be longer, and she will look exactly as a goose.

      – Don’t grin, do you think it’s comfortable to run up the stairs in a dress? I’ll tell you! No, at all. You should try and only after that you can smile! – the girl muttered resentfully.

      Her words erased my smile. There was such thunder clap that my ears were plugged, and then came the crack of a falling tree that was very close. I looked out the window. A burning tree fell on the liana that was connected with my oak. Grandpa Marash stood right there, wet of the pouring rain, without his raincoat. I rushed outside.

      – Where are you going? – I heard in pursuit.

      But I was already rushing to Marash.

      – What happened?! – shouting over the rain, I tried to clarify the situation.

      But everything was obvious. Two spiers, between which the liana was stretched, tilted.

      – Lightning hit the tree! – Marash shouted in response and shook his head towards the oak. – It is without protection now! What we are going to do?

      I grabbed my wet head. Streams of icy water flowed down the temples.

      The sky was lit up with flashes of light, the battle was just at the height. Our war magicians didn’t back down. They held the defense firmly. I think they gave a powerful rebuff.

      The fallen tree was consumed by fire. It whistled and crackled, emitting death moans. The smell of ozone and pine burning thus mixed. Oak. So, what to do? Now the liana will burn out, and I can throw its ends into the lake. But, will I make it in time? The liana was almost burned out, I was about to dash to it, when suddenly a bright flash fell like a column on the oak tree.

      – Nooo! – I screamed so that I even lost my voice. My throat ached, and I whispered. – No, no… Please. Rain, extinguish it…

      But the oak was burning, splitting in two. The merciless fire tore off the leaves withered from the heat, gnawed at the branches, and bit into the pliable wood. The oak seemed a two-headed torch on the hill. I moved towards it, but what could I do? I am nothing without magic… I couldn’t run to extinguish this gigantic tree with a bucket of water. My legs gave way, I fell on my knees and grabbed the ground. The dirt seeped between my fingers, munching sadly. As if it was sobbing with me. But no. Only I sobbed here, like a mute fish, opening my mouth. The vocal cords only emitted a hoarse groan. Marash didn’t move. He kept his defenses. The flashes in the sky stopped, as did the rain, which until now was ruthlessly whipping me with rapture. Is it enough? No, get more! Maybe the magic will wake up? After all, it happens that in the case of affect, the gift awakens. But not in my case… Damned lightning burnt my memories. Completely and mercilessly. The oak wasn’t glowing so brightly now. In the silence of the crackling fire and the echoes of the passing thunderstorm, I heard a child’s cry. It was Reemay who announced her presence. I smiled bitterly.

      Marash came up and patted me on the back.

      – Niko, don’t cry. We will plant a new tree. I will help to grow it faster – he tried to cheer me up.

      – It will be another tree. Another memory, not mine – I whispered.

      Getting up slowly, I trudged into the house. The boots got stuck in the mud somewhere along the road. Well, and to the demons of Ruby them. I went to the kitchen barefoot. Dinah stood in a daze, silently swallowing tears. Marash followed me, shaking his head. He was chilled and asked some tea to warm him up.

      – Niko… – Dinah called me.

      I waved of her and went up to my room. The clouds in the sky parted, but it was already evening, and the room was in semi-darkness.

      I sat down on a chair without undressing and, folding my hands on the table in front of me, dropped my head on them. My shoulders were trembling. I was painfully hurt. I thought of everything so well, and these lightning rods, but I didn’t foresee that a tree could fall on the liana. My oak. It’s gone. Well, okay. The outcast among the coniferous forest disappeared. Maybe it’s a sign. Should I disappear too? I couldn’t protect my memories. What am I worth then? Maybe my father is right. A blank, I am just a blank…

      Someone knocked at the door.

      – Niko, babe – Alice looked into the dark room.

      I didn’t even move.

      – Are you sleeping? – the aunt asked uncertainly and walked over to me. – Marash said that lightning hit the oak. I’m sorry, I know how dear it was to you.

      – Alice… – I whispered. – Why did Sherida give me this life? I’m a worthless blank. Without a gift, completely useless!

      The woman sighed excitedly.

      – Niko, you are very talented! And your gift will manifest itself, but later… You have protected the house from lightning, you’ve built such wonderful lightning rods.

      – Not good enough! – I grumbled and coughed. The throat was scorching with fire.

      – Excellent! But only the Gods know why this has happened. And you are a precious gift for Aphelia! You are her treasure…

      – Yeah. A gift that she has completely forgotten for eleven years… – now the resentment was seething in me. Either at my mom, or at myself. I wasn’t offended at my father. What can you do? He didn’t pretend that he loves me. – I understand my father… He needs a worthy heir. Otherwise, who is he then in the society of magicians? And he got me… a blank.

      – Don’t beat yourself up! You’re wrong! You’d seen how happy was Aphelia to see you again! –

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