Mechanic. LaaiA

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Mechanic - LaaiA

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but I was sick at heart.

      – I hope she is gifted, not like me…

      Aunt choked and froze.

      I got up from my chair and walked slowly towards the exit.

      – While you… you’re in the bathroom, I will clean up here.

      Aunt clapped her hands carefully, and all candles were lit in the room.

      «Magic… why am I bad for you?» – I thought with sorrow.

      But seeing as Alice had quieted down, I whispered it aloud.

      The water washed away not only the dirt and rainwater from my body, but it also numbed the pain, that tied my heart with tight knots.

      I changed my clothes and I went to my mom’s chamber. The wooden tub has been already carried away. Mom was lying on a wide bed with my sister in her arms. Reemay was red and wrinkled like a small raisin. I couldn’t see the color of her eyes as she was dozing, sniffing with her snub, like a newborn hare’s, nose. But her brown curls and thick black eyelashes made her look incredibly cute. I sat down on the bed and looked at her with tenderness. So tiny, fragile, defenseless. Mom took my hand.

      – Nicholas, you are so brave! You were able to protect our house from lightning. I am very sorry that the oak has burned down. Dinah told me. But don’t be sad, we’ll plant a new one.

      I didn’t answer. I was tired. And my mother was completely exhausted. I silently kissed her on the cheek and headed to the door. With peripheral vision, I noticed a blue scroll on the writing table. The wax seal was definitely royal. I wondered what was the magical message from my father?

      Chapter 2

      The dreams were grievous: the lightning again hit my oak tree, and then the war, but not the one that was yesterday, but another one, even more cruel. And a girl with dark brown eyes. We stood against the enemy shoulder to shoulder… And the darkness.

      The morning was sunny. Warm rays touched my heels. Still half asleep, I buried my face in the pillow and tried to put together all events of yesterday. The war that lasted almost an entire day. Our war magicians defended the boundaries of Pyramid. Otherwise, I wouldn’t lie calmly now in my bed.

      The lightning rods that we installed with grandpa Marash did their job. But I didn’t take everything into account. My burnt oak cannot be returned anymore. It was not only a place of my memories, but also a symbol of myself: an ordinary person in an extraordinary society. And now it was gone. I felt an emptiness in my soul. It felt like somebody had turned me off. Now everything is indifferent. The hope, that I could become a hero in the magical world, has burned out with this oak tree…

      Somebody scratched softly at the door.

      – Niko, babe, are you awake?

      The door opened slightly. Alice went into the room. I heard her steps.

      – Uh-huh – I could only squeeze out this.

      I had a sore throat as if it was scratched with small branches.

      Alice sat down on the edge of the bed.

      – Do you want to talk? – She asked and straightened the blanket, covering my cold feet.

      I didn’t answer, just shook my head and turned to the wall.

      – I know, this tree was a part of yourself. I understand your pain. But you are not a tree, you are a man. Strong, talented, with an open heart… Don’t shut yourself. You have the whole life ahead to find your special talent, your place, – Alice spoke softly, lovingly, inspiring the hope.

      I turned to her. And as if it was in a haze, the image of a phoenix appeared before my eyes.

      «My oak is like this bird,» – I thought. «And I can get it back.»

      – Alice, do you know how much I love you? – I wheezed enthusiastically and grabbed my throat.

      – I know, and now we are going to drink warm milk with honey. And then a tincture of fern flowers, – the woman shook her head and added, smiling. – I love you too, baby!

      My aunt took the clothes off the back of the chair, raised an eyebrow and reproachfully looked at the hole of the pocket that was mended with staples.

      – The pocket died from the grasping paws of a blackberry – I croaked in excuse.

      – I see. Well, we will need to trim the claws of this blackberry! Marash will take care of it, – Alice joked while I was pulling on a shirt with a high neck. Summer has come to an end, and now the cold is not so far off. And after yesterday’s freezing rain it became fresher outside.

      Before going down to the kitchen, I decided to look in my mom and sister.

      – Nicholas! – Mom exclaimed happily.

      Reemay was swarming around, close at her hand. I came closer to see my little sister in the sunlight. Big mustard-honey eyes looked at me curiously. A pink bow of her lips was blowing out tiny bubbles. She was no longer as wrinkled as yesterday. I bent down and involuntarily reached for her. My finger was immediately captured by a tiny hand. Mom laughed.

      – Reemay is funny, isn’t she? How were you when you were a baby, – she ran her hand over the chestnut nap on her head. And with the other hand she wrapped our fingers.

      I squatted down and silently looked at both. I absorbed these pleasant moments, touches, the smell of a newborn sister and autumn flowers that came from the half-open window.

      – Now you have become not only an older brother, but also her protector, – my mother’s eyes smiled sadly. I looked at her questioningly.

      – Sit down, dear, – she patted the blanket. I obediently sat down beside her. – It’s hard for me to talk about this. We’ve been together so little time… and now again…

      She stumbled, and inside me it was as if the bowstring had been pulled, but so tight that the tension hurt all over my body.

      – We’ll have to part. Last night the magic mail arrived from your father, – she glanced furtively at the blue scroll with the royal seal.

      I knew it.

      – Father is alive! But Ruby’s attack reduced the number of magicians. And now the king is calling all gifted ones for military training. It will last for about five years. Of course, not everyone will get into the Royal Academy of Magic in Phaeton. The rest will be assigned to regular training units. You’re enlisted in the Academy.

      – But mom! I have no abilities! What if I take the place of a more talented, worthy magician? – I croaked.

      Mom’s eyes widened.

      – What’s the matter with you, babe? – she immediately touched my forehead.

      – Well, I broke my voice yesterday. Everything is fine, – I calmed her and asked insistently.


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