Antakarana. Quest in Reality. Tatyana Shuklina

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Antakarana. Quest in Reality - Tatyana Shuklina

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will start my first game day. With these thoughts I head to the tiny bathroom, but the water flows only in a cool, thin stream, so that the hope of soaking up under a warm shower after more than a day of flights is crushed to smithereens.

      «The conditions created by the organizers are far from ideal,» – I note with regret to myself.

      After the shower, I put on my pajamas, sit on the bed and take out my notebook. Time to make the first notes about this strange day. But not a single worthwhile thought wants to go into the head. My gaze falls on the last record about the young stranger. What a mysterious girl! Certainly, I must learn more about her. Why am I so attracted by her secret – is the reason her age or something else?

      Suddenly I hear steps outside the door. Without thinking twice, I jump to my feet, look out into the corridor and immediately see the bright red head, whom I was thinking about a second ago.

      «Wait, don’t go, please,» I whisper.

      The girl, without turning around, stops in place. At least she’s not deaf and dumb, I think with relief. Where to start so as not to scare her away?

      «I saw a chessboard in your hands. My father loves this game very much. From my childhood he made me keep him company. If you get bored or need a second player, maybe then you will let me join?»

      The girl turns around and looks at me seriously with big blue eyes. Suddenly, a wide, sincere smile lights up her face. I feel confused from surprise and don’t know how to react.

      «Thank you, dad,» I think to myself, «finally your queens are good for something.»

      Her smile shakes to the core and fills with incredible warmth. Perhaps this is exactly what I need to overcome the shock I experienced today.

      «You’re right. It’s better with a partner. Playing chess alone is not very interesting. I win at myself all the time,» she nods, a little thoughtfully, as if doubting her decision.

      «It seemed to me that only adults are allowed to participate in the quest. The fact that it can be children…» I abruptly shut up, scolding myself: «Damn it! These are definitely not the words to gain her trust.»

      «I’m not an ordinary child, but a master of sports in chess in the junior category. And I take part in this Game because they need me,» she calmly answers.

      «I’m sorry, of course! I did not mean to offend you. It’s just that the things happened today are capable of breaking the psyche of an adult, let alone children…»

      «I’m not an ordinary child,» she stubbornly repeats, «and I’m capable of much more than many of those people.»

      «I don’t even doubt it. But how did you cope with the flight? I mean…»

      «The plane crash? You may not look for the right words. I am older than you think, and endured it better than all of you. Because I can disconnect from the outside world when something bad happens. This may seem strange to some, others call it „autism.“ As for me, I consider it as a protective reaction against external irritants.»

      I can’t believe I’m hearing these words from a little girl.

      «How old are you?»

      «I just turned 10. By the way, my name is Leeloo.»

      Before she can say anything, I know who she reminds me of! Leeloo is the character of Mila Jovovich from the famous film «The Fifth Element».

      «I really like this movie! The main character is brave and innocent, and yet so longs for love,» my little friend adds quietly.

      «That name really suits you. What’s your real name?»

      «It doesn’t matter. Just like our real life hasn’t the slightest relation to this place.» She utters the phrase «to this place» so hostile that I get goosebumps.

      «Listen, we still have 20 minutes. Would you like to come in?» I suggest carefully.

      «Why not.» Leeloo looks around the room and notices:

      «My cell looks exactly the same.»

      I try to ask her a couple more questions, but she answers everything extremely evasively. I am amazed at her wisdom and calmness. Leeloo is indeed much older in her head than her age. The clock shows 20:45. My new friend gets up and says:

      «I don’t trust anyone and prefer to stay aloof. A modest invisibility, a dull shadow. But I like you and we could be friends. Please do not discuss our conversation with anyone! You know, I have plans to win,» she gives me her charming smile again.

      My heart is melting. Suddenly I feel happy because this girl is here on the island. She stands and waits for an answer.

      «You agree?»

      «Sure. But what about Alex? It seems that this guy can be trusted, although sometimes I want to kill him.»

      Leeloo thinks it over for a minute and answers:

      «Maybe. But not right now.»

      With these words, she goes to her cell. I go to bed and start taking notes. Leeloo never leaves my head. She is strange, but I feel comfortable and calm in her presence. I will definitely find out more about her secret when the time comes. The clock shows 20:59 and the lights go out.

      «Great,» I sigh, «now I have to lie all night in the dark, alone with my thoughts.»

      But, obviously, all recent events, experiences, fears and worries have tired me so much that I almost instantly plunge into a deep restful sleep.

      The Game

      Day one

      When I wake up, first of all I look at the digital clock on the bedside table. It shows 9:00 a.m. I have been sleeping for exactly 12 hours, which surprises me a lot: never in my life have I slept for so long and been so punctual.

      Despite the long rest, the head is still buzzing, and the same unpleasant metallic taste is felt on the tongue. I was probably lying in the same position through the whole night, because my neck and shoulder muscles are terribly numb. As I begin to stretch the shoulders, a chair catches my attention. In surprise I jump out of bed: it no longer has my yesterday’s clothes on! Instead, there is a white suit made of soft dense material: tight long pants with elastic bands in the calf muscles, a tight jacket with a zipper and long sleeves ending at the wrists with the same elastic bands. Under the chair there is a pair of white high boots with thick soles and lacing. This costume wasn’t here yesterday! I feel uncomfortable with the idea that someone was in the room while I slept in the dark.

      Tormented by thirst and hunger, I dress quickly. No wonder, I haven’t had a crumb in my mouth since yesterday. It is unknown if the tap water can be drunk, so I decide not to risk it. Instead, I head to the gathering place – the Platform – hoping to get breakfast and find out how the first Game Day will be.

      Outside, the sun is already shining in the blue cloudless sky, flooding this paradise with its dazzling light. Our Bungalow is made of snow-white textured

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