Tarot and Medici Solitaire. Gallery of examples. Petr Krylov

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Tarot and Medici Solitaire. Gallery of examples - Petr Krylov

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an autobiography (as a system of remembering).


      Fig. 2.1.1 Three of Cups – a system, regulation of emotions, memories. The theatrical arts.177


      Fig. 2.1.2 Three of Cups – a system, regulation of emotions, memories. Theater. A stage.178


      Fig. 2.1.3 Three of Cups – a system, regulation of emotions. Mime. Pantomime.179


      Fig. 2.1.4 Three of Cups – a system, regulation of emotions. A "singing" cat or dog, a singer. Sings in tune with the music, according to a system.


      Fig. 2.1.5 Three of Cups – a system, regulation of emotions. The model as an actor, playing a certain emotion.180


      Fig. 2.1.6 Three of Cups – a system, regulation of emotions, memories. Beijing Opera.181


      Fig. 2.1.7 Three of Cups – a system, regulation of emotions, memories. Opera. "The Phantom of the Opera".182


      Fig. 2.1.8 Three of Cups – a system of memories. A diary, an autobiography.183


      The defining feature of the Three of Cups – emotions are ordered according to some particular system.


      Four of Cups


      The cheapest, most effective and reliable laxative is an unexpected encounter in the forest, tet-a-tet, with an angry grizzly bear.


      "Fours", according to the Kabbalah, represent nature and all things natural, simple forms.

      Cups are emotions, feelings, and memories.

      Accordingly, the Four of Cups is a simple, basic, "natural" emotion, an involuntary memory.

      For example, it may symbolize an involuntary smile, laughter, surprise, joy and other spontaneous emotions, feelings, and memories.


      Fig. 2.4.1 Four of Cups – a simple, basic, "natural" emotion. Surprise.184


      Fig. 2.4.2 Four of Cups – a simple, basic, "natural" emotion. Joy. Laughter.185


      Fig. 2.4.3 Four of Cups – a simple, basic, "natural" emotion. The simple joys of life.186


      Fig. 2.4.4 Four of Cups – a simple, basic, "natural" emotion. Laughter.187


      Fig. 2.4.5 Four of Cups – a simple, natural, emotion, an involuntary reaction. Laughter.188


      Fig. 2.4.6 Four of Cups – a simple, natural, emotion, an involuntary reaction. Joy.189


      Fig. 2.4.7 Four of Cups – a simple, natural, emotion, an involuntary reaction. A smile.190


      Fig. 2.4.8 Four of Cups – a simple, natural, emotion, an involuntary reaction. Rolling around in the snow.191


      The defining feature of the Four of Cups is its spontaneity, sincerity, naturalness, and lack of affectedness. The emotion arises on its own and doesn't pursue any goal.

      Such simplicity and sincerity is a quality often found in children, sincere "open" people, and some animals, such as dogs.


      Five of Cups


      The girls got together for a bachelorette party. All night they told jokes, funny stories, shared their dreams with each other…

      By morning, having died of shame, Lieutenant Rzhevsky fell out of the closet.


      "Fives", according to the Kabbalah, represent a door, a gate, a portal, a repository, a source.

      Cups are emotions, feelings, and memories.

      Thus, the Five of Cups is a source, a repository, a portal of emotions, feelings, memories.

      For example, it may symbolize a sports fan, a singer, an actor (as the content keeper, the repository, of many plays).


      Fig. 2.5.1 Five of Cups – portal of emotions, feelings. Saxophone solo.192


      Fig. 2.5.2 Five of Cups – source of

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