Tarot and Medici Solitaire. Gallery of examples. Petr Krylov

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Tarot and Medici Solitaire. Gallery of examples - Petr Krylov

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of Cups is stability of feelings, emotions, and memories. Obviously, in a positive sense.


      One of the most striking examples of the Eight of Cups is the story of the Japanese dog named Hachikō. Please note that the dog's name is derived from the Japanese pronunciation of the number "8".226


      Nine of Cups


      A female nymphomaniac comes to the police:

      – Some problems? Registering a complaint?

      – You see, the thing is… I really enjoy having sex. The ecstasy is absolutely indescribable. The passionate rapture that comes over me during sex just drives me out of my mind. A raging hurricane of bliss goes off inside me like a bomb, transforming into a wild orgasm. And then time comes to a standstill, I forget myself, and just go berserk until I'm hoarse…

      I have up to 10 orgasms a night.

      – Hmmm…That's really something! Well, probably you need to see a doctor. So, why did you come to the police?

      – You see, the thing is – my neighbors want to kill me.


      "Nines", according to the Kabbalah, are the last, final step before the Ten (transformation, transition to a new level). This moment determines the meaning of the "Nine".

      Accordingly, "Nines" are completeness, perfection, mastery, a certain ideal (for your level or class).

      Cups (Hearts) are emotions, feelings, memories.

      The Nine of Cups, therefore, is completeness, perfection of feelings, emotions, memories.

      For example, any positive feeling or emotion manifested to an extreme: delight, ecstasy, rapture, adoration, etc.

      Fig. 2.9.1 Nine of Cups – perfection of feelings, emotions, memories. Absolute happiness.227


      Fig. 2.9.2 Nine of Cups – perfection of feelings, emotions, memories. Feeling so high, you could fly.228


      Fig. 2.9.3 Nine of Cups – completeness, perfection of feelings, emotions. At one with Nirvana. Religious ecstasy.229


      Fig. 2.9.4 Nine of Cups – completeness, perfection of feelings, emotions, memories. Delight. "Bursting with joy."230


      Fig. 2.9.5 Nine of Cups – completeness, perfection of feelings, emotions, memories. "Soaring with happiness". "Jumping with delight".231


      Fig. 2.9.6 Nine of Cups – completeness, perfection of feelings, emotions, memories. "To die of happiness." It's sooooooo great being a cat! What a life!


      Fig. 2.9.7 Nine of Cups – exaggeration, taking feelings, emotions to an extreme ("to the max"). A comedian, buffoon, clown. Charlie Chaplin, Jim Carrey, Ben Stiller, Eddie Murphy, Bill Murray, Anna Faris, Mike Myers, Danny DeVito, Johnny Depp and others.232


      Fig. 2.9.8 Nine of Cups – completeness, perfection of feelings, emotions, memories. Virtuoso actors. Masters of conveying their emotions and feelings to the camera, the microphone. Brad Pitt, Vin Diesel, Will Smith, Bruce Willis, Jason Statham, Keanu Reeves, Tom Cruise, Leonardo DiCaprio and others.233


      The distinctive feature of the Nine of Cups is its extreme degree of manifestation.


      Moreover, due to the intensity of its manifestation, the Nine of Cups often triggers the manifestation of the One or the Five of Cups. Just like lightning in the sky provokes a clap of thunder and a fire. Although one accompanies the other – these are different events and cards.


      With regard to memories, the Nine of Cups resembles a certain, often illusory, ideal of perception.


      For instance, certain lines from A.S. Pushkin's poem "I remember a wonderful moment …" 234vividly illustrate the Nine of Cups.


      Ten of Cups


      The wife goes off on a business trip. The husband and cat stay at home.

      Day One:

      The cat goes up to its feed bowl:

      – Yuuuuuuuck… buckwheat…

      It snorts and refuses to eat.

      Comes up the day next:

      – Yuck-yuck-yuck… yesterday's buckwheat…

      Jerks its tail indignantly and leaves.

      On the third day:

      – Yum! Buckwheat!!!

      And quickly devours everything without a trace.


      "Tens", according to the Kabbalah, are transformation, metamorphosis, transition to a new state.

      Cups (Hearts) are emotions, feelings, memories.

      So, the Ten of Cups is a transformation, metamorphosis, transition to a new state of feelings, emotions, memories.

      For example, this corresponds to expressions such as "to be reborn", "to become a different person", "spiritual rebirth".


      Fig. 2.10.1 Ten of Cups – transformation, metamorphosis, transition of perception

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"To Kern" A.S. Pushkin


I remember a wonderful moment:

Before me you appeared,

Like a vision, fleeting, momentary,

Like a genius of the purest beauty.


In the languor of hopeless melancholy,

In the anxieties of noisy bustle,

That voice rang out so tenderly,

And I dreamed of your lovely face.


The years flew quickly. The storm's rebellious blast

Scattered the dreams of former times,

And I forgot your gentle voice,

And the features of your heavenly face.


In wilderness, in gloomy isolation,

My days dragged quietly,

No god, no inspiration,

No tears, no life, no love.


Then to my soul an awakening came:

And there again your face appeared,

Like a vision, fleeting, momentary,

Like a genius of the purest beauty.


And my heart beats with a rapture new,

And for him they arose again

And deity, and inspiration,

And life, and tears, and love.
