Science confirms – 2. Collection of scientific articles. Андрей Тихомиров

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Science confirms – 2. Collection of scientific articles - Андрей Тихомиров

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ion of scientific articles

      Андрей Тихомиров

      © Андрей Тихомиров, 2023

      ISBN 978-5-0059-4956-1 (т. 2)

      ISBN 978-5-0059-4957-8

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      The Biblical Book of Exodus (excerpts)

      Most likely, the Red Sea was actually a reed lake, whose water temporarily really parted during the east wind (see Exodus 14:21). The proof of this is the events of March 2021. The container ship Ever Given, which blocked the Suez Canal, was taken off the shoal. On March 28, the canal administration announced that Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi had ordered the unloading of the container ship Ever Given. The container ship Ever Given under the flag of Panama completely ran aground in the south of the Suez Canal on March 23, blocking traffic. (THE JAPANESE COMPANY SHOHEI KISEN, which MANAGES THE SHIP, EXPLAINED WHAT HAPPENED WITH A STRONG WIND – highlighted by me – Tikhomirov A.E.). It was reported that there are more than 20 thousand heavy containers on board the ship, which were transported from China to the Dutch port of Rotterdam. It is one of the largest vessels in its class: its length reaches 400 m, width – 59 m, more than 400 vessels are waiting to pass through the channel. The process is expected to take about three days. Experts believe that global logistics companies will have to reconsider transport routes and approaches to choosing the size of ships, as well as change the time planning for the delivery of goods to ports. And a week of downtime of the sea route will cost the world economy $70 billion. Disruption of transport and logistics chains will also lead to the diversification of transport routes from Asia to Europe and vice versa. The main beneficiaries may be the Northern Sea Route and the railway project – the Silk Road from China to Europe.

      Quotes from the book by Tikhomirov A.E. «Ridero», Yekaterinburg, 2017: «Exodus»:

      9: «9 And the dust will rise up throughout all the land of Egypt, and there will be an inflammation with boils on people and cattle throughout all the land of Egypt. (Egypt, lying along the Nile, among deserts, depends on the river and the desert. There are various natural disasters here: the khamsin blows – the wind that carries the dust of the desert, when it gets dark during the day and this „darkness“ grits on the teeth; there are invasions of parasites, locusts, hail, there are epidemics and epizootics, there is a flowering of water that becomes like blood and unsuitable for drinking. It has to be filtered with earth, pulling holes along the shore near the water. According to the law of the Babylonian king Hammurabi, the epidemic is defined as „the touch of God“).»

      9:33 And Moses went out of the city from Pharaoh, and stretched out his hands to the LORD, and the thunder and hail ceased, and the rain ceased to fall on the earth. (Dispersal of clouds, clouds – clouds are constantly moving and «dispersed» use their knowledge and information about wind, atmosphere, etc. to «disperse» clouds, clouds, stop thunder, hail, rain. In addition, it has been scientifically proven that, for example, only seriously ill people react to «changes» in solar activity, while healthy people do not notice «changes». The relationship was proved (this is the development of A.L. Chizhevsky et al.) between changes in the Earth’s magnetic field and an increase (decrease) in the number of patients with myocardial infarction, if these people have already been ill. Apparently, there is also a relationship between «somewhat mental» sick people and electrical discharges emanating from thunderclouds. Some people (priests, shamans and not only) in trance perceive electrical discharges better than others and can, as it were, «disperse clouds», i.e. perceive lightning electrical discharges and feel the weather, understand where clouds and clouds can go).»

      10: «13 And Moses stretched out his rod over the land of Egypt, and the LORD brought an east wind upon the land, [which lasted] all that day and all night. Morning came, and the east wind struck locusts. (That is, the locusts came from the east, and this is the Sinai Peninsula, where the locusts most likely already were, and the priest knew about it).»

      10: «19 And the Lord raised up a very strong western wind from the opposite side, and he carried the locusts and threw them into the Red Sea: there was not a single one left locusts in the whole country of Egypt. (The wind helped).»

      10:21 And the LORD said to Moses, Stretch out your hand toward heaven, and there will be darkness in the land of Egypt, a palpable darkness. (There is a hydroexplosive type of volcanic eruption occurring in shallow conditions of oceans and seas, characterized by the formation of a large amount of steam arising from the contact of incandescent magma and seawater. During eruptions, sometimes a volcanic structure collapses with the formation of a caldera – a large depression with a diameter of up to 16 km and a depth of up to 1000 m. When magma rises, the external pressure weakens, gases and liquid products associated with it escape to the surface, and a volcano eruption occurs. If ancient rocks, not magma, are brought to the surface, and water vapor formed by heating underground waters prevails among the gases, then such an eruption is called phreatic. The lava that has risen to the earth’s surface does not always reach this surface. It only raises layers of sedimentary rocks and solidifies in the form of a compact body (laccolith), forming a kind of system of low mountains. All the phenomena preceding, accompanying and following the actual eruption of a volcano are called volcanic and sometimes stretch for a long time – not only for years, but also for whole decades and centuries. The harbinger of a volcanic eruption is often an underground rumble, shocks and tremors of an earthquake. The springs on the slopes and at the foot of the volcano dry up or decrease, or, conversely, increase their activity. Cracks appear on the slopes and in the crater, releasing suffocating gases or hot water. Occasionally, gases spread more or less far and destroy small animals and vegetation that covered the slopes of a long-dormant volcano. An eruption often begins with the release of a column of black smoke from the crater, rising high up (from 1 to 5 km) and then spreading out in the air in the form of a cloud of various shapes, sometimes resembling a pine tree (pine with a flat top). Gradually, this pillar becomes darker and wider, the entire top of the volcano is shrouded in thick clouds, and a thunderstorm with a downpour often breaks out. At the same time, large and small incandescent fragments of rocks captured by the pressure of hot gases from the crater are ejected from the crater. Their flight can be well observed at night in the form of fiery dots rising above the crater. From the clouds carried by the wind in one direction or the other, the precipitation of fine material begins – volcanic ash, covering not only the slopes of the volcano, but also the surroundings, sometimes at a distance of several hundred kilometers (downwind), and forming a loose layer of varying thickness during strong eruptions (depending on the distance to the crater), which also often destroys vegetation by covering it. The amount of volcanic debris and ash thrown into the air sometimes reaches tens of millions, and sometimes hundreds of millions of cubic meters. The fall of ash in such eruptions can be so thick that the day turns into a dark night. A similar picture was observed during the eruption of Shiveluch in Kamchatka in 1854, when such a large amount of volcanic ash fell that during the day there was impenetrable darkness in a place located 50 km from the volcano. When all these phenomena reach the greatest tension, fiery liquid lava pours out of the crater of the volcano, sometimes after a strong explosion. It overflows over the edge of the crater and flows down the slopes of the volcano. Tangible darkness is ashes that can be felt).»

      13: «21 And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of cloud, showing them the way, and by night in a pillar of fire, shining on them, that they might go by day and by night. (Khamsin is a hot, dry wind that turns into cloud pillars, observed in Egypt in the spring months, the air is filled with hot sand dust. Samum is a dry, hot wind in the deserts of Arabia and North Africa, locals call it „fire wind“, „breath of death“, blows with great force and raises large masses of sand that cover the sun, observed most often in spring, guides light torches so that you can see. Sirocco is a southerly wind that brings heated air from the deserts.

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