Science confirms – 2. Collection of scientific articles. Андрей Тихомиров

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Science confirms – 2. Collection of scientific articles - Андрей Тихомиров

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wilderness? What did you do to us, bringing us out of Egypt? (The outrage of the Israelites).

      12 Isn’t that what we told you in Egypt, saying: Leave us, let us work for the Egyptians? For it is better for us to be enslaved by the Egyptians than to die in the desert. (They are slaves.)

      13 But Moses said to the people, «Do not be afraid, stand still, and you will see the salvation of the Lord, which he will do to you today, for the Egyptians, whom you see today, you will not see again forever; (The sign is near!).

      14 The LORD will fight for you, but you be calm. (Eternal struggle).

      15 And the LORD said to Moses: What are you crying out to Me for? Tell the children of Israel to go, (It is necessary to go).

      16 But you lift up your rod and stretch out your hand over the sea, and divide it, and the children of Israel will pass through the sea on dry land; (The rod again as a distraction).

      17 But I will harden the heart of the Egyptians, and they will follow them; and I will show my glory on Pharaoh and on all his army, on his chariots and on his horsemen; (Something has to happen).

      18 And the Egyptians will know that I am the LORD when I show my glory on Pharaoh, on his chariots, and on his horsemen. (This is the glory of the Lord God!).

      19 And the angel of God, who was going before the camp of Israel, moved and went behind them; the pillar of cloud also moved from their face and stood behind them; (It turns out there was also a certain messenger angel).

      20 And he entered into the midst between the camp of Egypt and the camp of Israel, and was a cloud and darkness, and lighted up the night, and the one did not draw near to the other all night. (That is, torches were burning).

      21 And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the LORD drove the sea with a strong east wind all night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters parted. (The east wind from Sinai contributed to the creation of the passage, during the east wind in those parts, the water level in the modern Suez Canal drops sharply, especially if the wind coincides with the ebb in the Gulf of Suez, apparently, it was the same in those days).

      22 And the children of Israel went on dry land in the midst of the sea, and the waters were a wall to them on the right and on the left. (A possible passage through water, then it could only be the channel of the Pharaohs, which at that time connected the Nile with the «land of bitter lakes» (these are the modern Big and Small Bitter Lakes). The first channel connecting the lake with the Delta was laid 4 thousand years ago, during the Middle Kingdom. During the XII dynasty, Pharaoh Senusert III (1888—1878 BC E.) laid a channel from west to east, dug through Wadi Tumilat Wadi Tumilat, connecting the Nile with the Red Sea, for unhindered trade with Punt. Later, the construction and restoration of the canal was carried out by the powerful Egyptian pharaohs Ramses II and Necho II. Herodotus (II. 158) writes that Necho II (610—595 BC) began to build a canal from the Nile to the Red Sea, but did not finish it. The canal was completed around 500 BC by King Darius the First, the Persian conqueror of Egypt. In memory of this event, Darius installed granite steles on the banks of the Nile. Timsah (from Arabic. «crocodile») is a lake in Egypt, located approximately in the middle of the Isthmus of Suez. Lake Timsakh is now adjacent to the Suez Canal. Before the construction of the canal, Timsakh Lake was one of the inner, shallow lakes of Sinai, previously Timsakh Lake was annually reached by the waters of the river, flooding Wadi Timulat, stretching directly from the Nile Delta to Timsakh Lake, which could, in combination with earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, ebb and flow, cause the sudden death of Egyptians).

      23 The Egyptians pursued, and all Pharaoh’s horses, his chariots, and his horsemen followed them into the middle of the sea. (A tsunami, as a rule, is preceded by a powerful outflow of sea waters, exposing vast expanses. Modern Bible scholars believe that the Israelites did not cross the Red Sea «by land», but the «Sea of Reeds» – a freshwater lagoon or lake east of the Nile Delta, as it sounds in the Hebrew Torah. The death of the Egyptian army can be explained by one of the side effects of the tsunami caused by the failure of the central part of Santorini. After the explosion, a huge caldera formed in the center of Santorini, the sea rushed into it to fill the giant basin, the current bay of Tira, and the waters receded from the shores of the Eastern Mediterranean. When the waters receded, the spit separating the lagoon from the sea naturally expanded, the «gap» ceased to exist for some time, and the lagoon was completely isolated from the sea. Obviously, taking advantage of this, the Israelis were able to cross the lagoon, or rather, to pass through the suddenly formed isthmus).

      24 And in the morning watch the LORD looked at the camp of the Egyptians from the pillar of fire and cloud and confused the camp of the Egyptians; (The Egyptians, however, did not chase much, but stood in a camp).

      25 And he took the wheels from their chariots, so that they dragged them with difficulty. And the Egyptians said, Let us flee from the Israelites, because the Lord will fight for them against the Egyptians. (Most likely the wheels of the chariots were broken due to a bad road in the desert).

      26 And the LORD said to Moses, «Stretch out your hand over the sea, and let the waters turn on the Egyptians, on their chariots, and on their horsemen.» (The Egyptian pursuers were hit by a giant tsunami wave, usually coming ten to thirty minutes after the receding sea exposes the bottom).

      27 And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and in the morning the water returned to its place; but the Egyptians fled to meet [the water]. Thus the Lord drowned the Egyptians in the midst of the sea. (That is, the Egyptians died, the water returned to its place only in the morning).

      28 And the waters returned and covered the chariots and the horsemen of all Pharaoh’s army who had followed them into the sea; not one of them remained. (All the Egyptians died).

      29 But the children of Israel walked on dry land in the midst of the sea: the waters were a wall to them on the right and on the left side. (The bottom from the side of the Sinai Peninsula was shallow, in addition, perhaps because of the earthquake, blockages formed, trapping the waters while the Israelis were passing).

      30 And the LORD delivered the Israelites that day out of the hand of the Egyptians, and the Israelites saw the Egyptians dead on the seashore. (They drowned in the water).

      31 And the Israelites saw the great hand that the LORD had shown over the Egyptians, and the people feared the LORD and believed the LORD and Moses his servant. Then Moses and the children of Israel sang this song to the Lord and said: (This is how faith in the Israelite god was born, because naive people thought that some god did it, in fact it was only a natural phenomenon that coincided with the flight of part of the Semitic tribes from Egypt. 10 Egyptian executions to which God subjected Egypt for Pharaoh’s refusal to release the Jews from captivity: he turned water into blood, sent toads, midges, pestilence, etc. they are explained by the impact and influence of a grandiose catastrophe that occurred around 1380 BC (XIV century BC. at that time, the XVIII dynasty, a New Kingdom ruled in Egypt, the pharaohs of which no longer built pyramids) in the Mediterranean Sea in the group of volcanic islands of Santorini (Tyre), some scientists also associate this natural disaster with the vanished Atlantis and the death of the Minoan civilization (ancient Greek culture was based on the developed Minoan culture of the Bronze Age 3—2 millennia BC on the island of Crete and other islands of the Mediterranean Sea, named after the mythological king Minos, this culture has had a huge impact on world culture, which is why we know it well, unlike many of the oldest cultures of European peoples. The Minoan civilization suffered greatly as a result of a natural disaster – a volcanic explosion (between 1628 and 1500 BC) on the island of Fera (Tira, Santorini),

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