Science confirms – 4. Collection of scientific articles. Андрей Тихомиров

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Science confirms – 4. Collection of scientific articles - Андрей Тихомиров

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      Collection of scientific articles

      Editor Андрей Тихомиров

      ISBN 978-5-0059-6084-9 (т. 4)

      ISBN 978-5-0059-4957-8

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      From Africa to Arabia

      Scientists have identified five episodes of the migration of ancient people from Africa to Arabia

      According to the results of an international study published in the journal Nature, the first people came to Arabia from Africa 400 thousand years ago. After that, there were at least four more waves of migration, each of which coincided with a short period of decreasing aridity in the region, when the Arabian Peninsula was covered with greenery and numerous lakes.

      Archaeological excavations have been conducted on the territory of Saudi Arabia for a long time, but until now they were limited to coastal areas and small oases, and the vast interior remained unexplored.

      Recently, archaeologists from the Max Planck Institute for the History of Mankind in Jena (Germany), together with colleagues from other countries and with the support of the Ministry of Culture of Saudi Arabia, carried out work on the Hall-Amaishan 4 site and in the Jubba oasis in the Nefud desert in the north of the Arabian Peninsula and found thousands of stone tools and animal bones, indicating repeated stay in this area of ancient people.

      Geographically, the finds are confined to the coastal zone of a large lake, once located between two large dunes. The researchers identified six periods of fullness of the lake, with five of which the finds of artifacts coincide in time.

      The results of geochronological analyses of stone tools showed that people lived here about 400, 300, 200, 100 and 55 thousand years ago. The authors determined the age of the finds by the method of luminescent dating, which records the time during which tiny grains of sand on the surface of artifacts were exposed to sunlight.

      The authors note that each of the five phases of human residence on the shores of the lake in the Nefud desert is characterized by its own type of material culture – from the Acheulean culture of the «hand axe» of the Lower Paleolithic to the Middle Paleolithic technologies of stone flakes – by which it is possible to track the change of human culture over time.

      In some cases, the differences in material culture are so great that, according to researchers, this indicates the simultaneous presence in the region of various groups, and possibly species of hominins who came to Arabia from both Africa and Eurasia. This is confirmed by animal fossils. Most of them are of African origin, but there are also those who came from the north.

      «The discovery of fossils of large mammals in the middle of this hyper – arid desert is a unique event,» the words of one of the authors of the study Julien Louys, associate professor at the Australian Research Center for Human Evolution, are quoted in a press release from the Australian Griffith University. – The most remarkable was the discovery of several fragments of hippo bones. Currently, their habitat is limited to humid areas of Africa, and their presence in the Nefud desert over the past 400 thousand years is convincing evidence that the Arabian Peninsula was significantly wetter in the past than it is today.»

      According to the authors, against the general background of the arid climate on the peninsula, phases of increasing precipitation periodically occurred, which led to the formation of thousands of lakes, rivers and swamps. At that time, favorable conditions for the migration of people and animals were established in the region.

      From the book «Migrations of Peoples. Genesis as a historical source. The Science of the Old Testament»

      «Primitive humanity, settling from the west (Africa) to the east (the Arabian Peninsula) and developing new lands in the depths of Asia, split into two groups of populations in the Ancient Stone Age: black and white. This was due to a decrease in the amount of melanin, brown and black pigments. Migration flows were different, depending on the climatic and geographical conditions of the area. For example, the western part of modern Russia could serve as migration routes for Africans who were heading north, where 100 – 70 thousand years ago there was a completely different climate – warm and favorable for living, the area of the modern Arctic Ocean. Over the past time, archaeologists have managed to find the remains of more than a hundred dwellings of the ancient Stone Age, located in settlements in Europe and Northern Asia, for example, the Kostenok district in the modern Voronezh region of Russia. Of course, the most studied settlements of the late Paleolithic in the range of 30—12 thousand years BC. They were located in the valleys of large and small rivers, such as the Dnieper and its tributaries Desna, Seim, Ros. Now the remains of these settlements lie in the thickness of the first and second above-floodplain terraces at an altitude of 5—10 to 30 or even more meters above the river level. But in the late Paleolithic, the water level was much higher, and the dwellings stood on the very shore.»

      The Bible (Genesis)

      The text of the book of Genesis goes back to 3 sources of the Pentateuch: the Jahvist, the Elohist and the Priestly Code. The most ancient fragments of it belong to the 9th-8th century BC. In the 5th-4th centuries BC, the processing of Jewish theologians gave the Torah its current form.

      The First Book of Moses

      Chapter 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. (Ancient man, from the moment of his birth, constantly saw heaven and earth. With the development of abstract thinking, questions began to form (can be compared to a child-why): where did the surrounding world come from and, first of all, the heaven and earth that always surround a person? Naturally, he did not know the answer, and therefore explained everything by the activity of higher forces – God, who embodied the terrible phenomena of nature, as well as animals, plants, people (man is also an animal belonging to one of the primate species), who possess various skills, skills, knowledge, abilities, technologies. According to modern scientific data, humanity appeared as a result of genetic mutations in the East African Rift Valley, formed as a result of geological shifts on the border of the African and Arabian tectonic plates. Volcanic eruptions and magma outflow often occur here. These phenomena were preserved in the memory of the emerging people, which then (after the invention of writing) was reflected in written sources, including the Bible. The nonspecific activating system of the brain increases significantly with psychoemotional stress, that is, an altered state. There is a sharp jump in the development of the human brain (the human brain is increasing). Man could not explain natural phenomena, so all phenomena are associated with the concept of «God». It is from here that the Bible begins its narration: «In the beginning…» means the awareness of the surrounding world by the emerging humanity.)

      Chapter 2:8 And the LORD God planted a paradise in Eden in the east, and placed there the man whom he had created. (According to the biblical legend, Eden is the place of residence of the first two people – Adam and Eve – before their «fall». This word is Hebrew, meaning: garden, paradise, a beautiful, pleasant place. In the Sumerian language (not similar to any of the known languages), the word «we are going» – «eden» means «valley», according to the rule of homonization, a word that happened to coincide in sound, played a role: it seemed that «We are Going» is a mystical term devoid of a specific geographical meaning, and not the valley of the Two Rivers in present—day Iraq (the «Adam’s tree» is located here), where Lake Tartarus is located, as well as the Tar caves, there is an extremely similar sound to the ancient Greek Tartarus – an abyss

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